AVM in right frontal and basifrontal regions of the brain

My dear friends,
I am Pankaj from Goa, India. I got seizure on 3rd february 2017 and after my MRI check up i was informed following:-1:

  1. There is entangled mass of flow voidsnoted in the right frontal and basifrontal regions of approximate size measuring 3.6x3.2x3.1 cm is suggestive of Anti-Venous Malformation.
  2. There are multiple dilated venous channels noted along the right cerebral convexity draining into the superior saggital sinus and vein of labbe and in the deep venous system.
  3. Rest of the cerebral parenchyma, brain stem and cerebellum appear normal. No acute infarct or bleed.
  4. Incidentally finding of deep venous anomaly noted in the right cerebellar parenchyma
  5. There are normal CSF spaces and ventrices with no mid line shift
  6. The cervicomedullary region and corpus callosum are normal Intracranial flow voids appear normal
  7. MR venogram reveals normal appearance of superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, both transverse and sigmoid sinuses. the right sigmoid sinus measures 5mm and the left sigmoid measures 5.7mm in dia. no evidence of dural venous sinus thrombosis.

The above details was from the MRI report which we got from the doctors during the check-up in february 2017.

I was prescribed Levepsy 500 two times a day and since then there were hardly any seizures and faint except two to three mild once till date. Now i am only on this prescription and i have neck pain almost everyday in the lower region below the skull just 1 inches behind my right ear… rest everything is okay except very mild headache in the right frontal brain.

I am 41 years old and having two kids of 2.5 years old and am not in a position to afford major surgery and also i worry whether the surgery will be successful or will i face any major side effect such as some part of body becoming inactive and hence didn’t go to the doctor again even after the initial doctor had advised me to meet a AVM specialist in Mumbai city.

I will be very thankful to anybody who can guide me on how to proceed further and whether the report shows any major problem for me.

Thank you


Hello and welcome to our community!

It is difficult to give you advice and we must be careful not to give medical advice through this forum, as we are not doctors but my understanding of what is described is:

There appears to be an AVM in your frontal lobe, of medium size.

I think it is indicating deep venous drainage.

I am less clear on whether it is having an effect near more “eloquent” areas of the brain, such as your brain stem or cerebellum.

You may look at the Spetzler Martin grading system to see what these things mean in terms of treatability.

Given what I can see above, personally I think it is important to get an assessment form a neurovascular specialist.

There are many people here with similar situations, so as you find out more about it, or have worries about terminology or operations or whatever, I hope we will have some people with experience close to yours who can help you along the way.

I think we all feel the same about do I/ don’t I/ dare I? You are not alone.

Very best wishes


Dear Richard,

Thanks for the detailed information on my AVM. Presently due to financial difficulties, I am not in a position to visit and neurovascular specialist and hence delaying it thinking in coming days my financial situation will be better and then go for the consultation.

Till then, i will go through this forum for the best guidance which i feel helps me a lot such as i used to drink alcohol before and now stopped completely after going through this forum.

Thanks for your guidance,
