AVM Rupture while pregnant?

I know everyone has stories on how there AVM ruptured, but I’m just curious if anyone else’s ruptured while they were pregnant like mine did??

No, but wife's AVM showed up about age 40. It didn't rupture, but triggered seizures. She had two natural childbirths (no drugs) at age 31 and 33. DRs were amazed she didn't have issues at the time of the births.

Ron, KS

I had three pregnancies with no rupture. But during the third pregnancy (a year before the rupture) I had frequent headaches. the doc said I was probably having minor bleeds throughout the pregnancy.

My avm ruptured during my 1st pregnancy and thats how i came about knowing i had an avm. my avm is located in my right foot.

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I have three children. Healthy pregnancy and natural childbirth for the first two. Third baby (age 28) I was severely anemic and put on bed rest. Emergency C-section under general because they couldn’t give me an epideral?? AVM discovered at 35. When I asked my neurologist about the risks of pregnancy/delivery with an AVM he said he didn’t have any concerns. I have a close friend who works as an RN at Sick KIds in Toronto. When she found out about my AVM she was shocked that something profound didn’t happen during pregnancy especially the last one.

Absolutely. I was 40, running marathons, fit as I’d ever been skinny and 115lbs ate healthy husband was only38 so we figured we could swing a pregnancy for me at 40WRONGI was 5 months preg when the AVM ruptured the silence of one Sunday morning inb July. I had no idea no prior symptoms. Apparently now I’m a stroke survivor. Carried Joseph to term My family is raising him for me. Nicole H

My AVM ruptured left temporal at 5 months pregnant. I had 5 live births prior to the rupture No symptoms. NO IDEA the AVM even existed In retro spect I may have made some different choices, HOWEVER, be that as it may, my Neuro has Assured me the AVM would have ruptured about this time regardless of the pregnancy! He kindly referred to it as my ticking time bomb ! ??Regardless, I am here a strage/unrecognizable version of my former self. Joseph is here-- or there as the case may be, living with his maternal grandparents , until which point I can care for an infant/toddler, I'm hoping before he can drive!

Well that's my pregnancy AVM story and I'm sticking to it!

Mine did! I was 20 weeks pregnant when I had the brain bleed. I had no proir symptoms. They tried to alleviate the bleed with a shunt trying to prolong surgery till after birth. Unfortunately, they had to operate. However, Noah, who is now 5 was perfectly healthy, but I was strongly advised to stop having children

i was 13 weeks preg when mine ruptured. i was 20 weeks when i had the crani. im now arund 28 weeks i think and not one dr( ob, mfm, nuero, or anyone else) knows how i should deliver. im greaking out everyday