AVM 's being hereditary

Hi Everyone, I am new here and have a spouse with a cervical AVM since 1981 , has anyone heard of AVM being passed onto children, I remember asking about it a long time ago before children, but times have changed and long time has passed and as I am older I have been thinking of it and curious what others have been told?

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Typically not, but still a slippery slope

As soon as my son’s MD heard of my condition after he reported having headaches - he was signed up to meet with a neurologist & then MRI.

They all agreed before the MRI results that it’s semi unlikely to be hereditary. Then the MRI came back negative & he was fully cleared.

AVM’s anywhere in our body are a rarity, but thankfully the MD’s are doing their work to learn about them & fast.

So, no exact concrete answer at all

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Hi Ken,

My understanding is that in general AVMs are congenital – i.e. things formed in the womb as part of the magic of how each of us is knitted together – but not usually to do with a genetic trait.

There are some genetic conditions that bring AVMs with them, so if your wife had a diagnosis of say HHT, then that definitely has a genetic link but brings AVMs with it as one of its “gifts”! Unless your wife is already aware of multiple AVMs, this seems unlikely. There are also other genetic conditions that bring AVMs with them but it starts to get much rarer.

Other than having an AVM herself is there any other indicator that there is anything to worry about re your children?

Very best wishes,



This happened with me also & my eldest son… as soon as they heard the history he was booked in for a MRI… so you are right there is no definitive answer in this area… God bless!

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Thank you all for the comments, there is no direct evidence or symptoms for a concern now I will hope their will never be any of those , but we will continue to keep it in the back of my mind, I remember asking this question to my spouse’s neurologist about 24 years ago and he wasn’t concerned of hereditary of her AVM. Sadly this is something that little is still known about, maybe someday they will. :pray:

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What I would tell you from the groups of people that I’ve met here – and you’ll see it in the stories in the Types Of AVMs section – is that it seems rare to me that someone with a pelvic or uterine AVM has HHT. More common it seems to me to have multiple AVMs and HHT or a pulmonary AVM and HHT.

There are other genetic drivers towards these things that I don’t understand but again, these seem even rarer than HHT, if the bunch of people we have in this community is reflective of society much more widely.

So it seems less likely to me to be something to worry about but I completely agree with you that this is a thing we all bother about. Even my own son have I asked the question about. It’s only natural for us to be concerned.

Very best wishes,



Thanks Richard

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