Hi all! after 2 embo's and stroke I have a supposedly healed AVM. Have had a few changes in my body that seem like they are related to hormones-weight increase, sore breasts, bad acne, and very irregular monthly cycles.
(sorry guys out there!!) Since I have had the all clear to try to fall pregnant with baby #2 I am finding these symptoms frustrating and worrying, and wondering if anyone out there has had experience with hormonal changes following embolisations? Could it be related to all the radiation used, or could it cause the premature onset of menopause? I am 38.
Anyone out there who can relate to this?
Hi Carolyn. After I ve read your story, I m starting to think I have similar state.
I had embo+syrgery almost 4 months ago. I m AVM free now.
I had bad problem with acne, worst then when I was teen. Its getting lil better. Also I gained weight lil bit and I used to tell myself that's cause I quit smoking after a stoke. I have that feeling in chests, like tightness and I feel like I m in pms 24/7. It can be likely that we suffer from hormonal disbalance, that can be due to brain surgery and/or stress which reflects on body.
Share whats going on. Go talk to your doctor or do hormonal chart to see whats going on. Just keep the faith
Hello Carolyn. I was 40 and 4 months pregnant in 2009 with my son, when my AVM ruptured and bled, resulting in a 6 hour surgery, for which I am sure my Neurosurgeon -still - hasn't forgiven me for. I carried the baby to term 5 months later delivered him at 9 pounds. H is beautiful. And although it did take 2 years for my cycles to resume thier normal function. Which I attribute to an age thing NOT an avm thing! Hope this helps!