Blind Spot from Brain Bleed

My last brain bleed was August of 2020, from a right prefrontal cortex AVM. A few years ago at the eye doctor, she noticed I have a blindspot in my upper peripheral vision on my right side. She tells me it’s from the bleed.

When I had my first bleed in 2006, I had double vision from my left eye that corrected itself over the course of a year. Can anyone explain why my vision issues are on my right side this time? And has anyone else had blindspots appear after a bleed?

Other detail: Dr. Schwartz drilled into the muscle above my right eye when fitting the halo frame for the Gamma Knife. I woke up the next morning with my eye puffy; I could barely open it.

Thanks, everyone! xo

I didn’t have any after mine. I did from time to time have the odd black spot zip through my line of site, which hasn’t happened since a couple weeks post bleed. The first couple times were interesting, stopped short of asking if anyone else saw that! John.

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This made me think of the scintillating scotomas that I had post embolization and post angiogram. Depending on how your black spot behaved, I reckon that could possibly have been a negative scotoma.


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I made a couple what was that comments, and when no one else saw it, kept it to myself! I had forgotten all about that until this thread. The best to you!


I have a blindspot in the same exact spot. However, this was not because of my bleed. It was because of the edema that came around from my gammaknife. I had the peripheral vision, but when I had an edema because of the gammaknife, and while I was taking the dex to treat it, I noticed suddenly while at work I couldn’t see a spot on my dry erase board. I remember being able to see it at one point, and suddenly I didn’t. Went to the eye doctor, and he said there’s too much damage in there so I won’t be getting it back. I was pretty sad to hear that, but thankfully it’s not bad to the point that I need to not drive or anything like that. That said, I have noticed when I’m playing racquetball, I don’t notice the ball coming at me in that section of my view. So, it is both terrifying to knnow I might take a shot to the head haha, the other is I’m also sad I might lose because I won’t see the ball there too hahaha. Just hoping it doesn’t get any worse. I can still see pretty well thankfully.