Blood tests

Does anyone out there know what a somatomedin-c blood test is. My endocrinologist had me take it twice but both times the results came back real high so I had to have it done again. This time having the blood drawn, taking glucose and then having blood drawn again. I know it has something to do with growth hormones and the pitutuary gland but thats about all.

Check out this link and it should give a pretty decent rundown. This article is geared toward kids, but seeing as how it is pertaining to Human Growth hormone, I can see how it would be a more common factor in childhood development, but could certainly continue through adulthood.

Thanks Jake. I Looked up numeruos sites on line but I really need to be patient and wait until I see my doctor next week.

Hi Julia,

I found this in the online Merck Manual. Apparently somatomedin-C and IGF-1 mean the same thing, so you might try looking up IGF-1.

Hope this helps.


Growth hormone (GH): GH stimulates somatic growth and regulates metabolism. Growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH) is the major stimulator and somatostatin is the major inhibitor of the synthesis and release of GH. GH controls synthesis of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1, also called somatomedin-C), which largely controls growth. Although IGF-1 is produced by many tissues, the liver is the major source. A variant of IGF-1 occurs in muscle, where it plays a role in enhancing muscle strength. It is less under control of GH than is the liver variant.

The metabolic effects of GH are biphasic. GH initially exerts insulin-like effects, increasing glucose uptake in muscle and fat, stimulating amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in liver and muscle, and inhibiting lipolysis in adipose tissue. Several hours later, more profound anti–insulin-like metabolic effects occur. These include inhibition of glucose uptake and use, causing plasma glucose and lipolysis to increase, which increases plasma free fatty acids. GH levels increase during fasting, maintaining plasma glucose levels and mobilizing fat as an alternative metabolic fuel. Production of GH decreases with aging. Ghrelin, a hormone produced in the fundus of the stomach, promotes GH release from the pituitary, increases food intake, and improves memory.

Thank you so much. This helps a little but I’m sure I will find out next week when I see my Endocronologist. I’ts just been a long wait. The first time I had this test was back in June and I am still waiting to hear whats going on.