
Hi i am just wondering if anyone knows if AVMs affect your bloodpressure!!! Please let me know if u do i would really appreciate it. Thanks Laura

Hi. What my husband’s doctors’ have told us is that the patient’s blood pressure is always higher within the AVM than the circulating blood pressure as a result of the abnormal formation of the vessels and making it all the more critical to control one’s blood pressure to avoid a bleed/stroke. I hope I answered your question and that it helped.

OH OK ! many thanks its that my bloodpressure is high and thay may not operate next week! i have always had high blood pressure and thought it might be related need to find out more really ! thank you xx

JoAnn Livanos said:

Hi. What my husband's doctors' have told us is that the patient's blood pressure is always higher within the AVM than the circulating blood pressure as a result of the abnormal formation of the vessels and making it all the more critical to control one's blood pressure to avoid a bleed/stroke. I hope I answered your question and that it helped.

Hi!! I’m agreed with joann leiva, I was advised for my doctor no to let my blood pressure go higher. Because I can cause another bleeding the reazon is the blood vesels around the avm can has more circulation of the normal. You know ewhen we do exercise that pressure of the blood speeds. For us that we have an avm that pressure affectes more the brain. According to this the veins around our veins has some filters and we don’t have those filters that’s why speeds more when the blood pressure it goes higher and according to my doctor that can created another bleed. We I hope this can help…I hope I explained the best…Good luck my friend best wishes…

I will be going through my surgery in the next couple of weeks and the docdoing my surgery is putting me on a medication to lower my blood pressure to under 100 systolic 3 days prior to the surgery and 3 days after, I don’t have high blood pressure. My actually will run low at times. You might want to ask your doc about it. Tonna

Hi Laura,

I have high blood pressure and take four different types of medications to control it. As of recently, my pressures have been elevated and I have had tachycardia at night when I am sleeping. I was concerned my avm was causing the elevated pressure and tachycardia, but my doctors said that it shouldn't affect my pressures etc. Hope that helps. As with the other replies, my doctors have said that I need to keep my blood pressure under control to help prevent further bleeds.

God Bless!

many thanks all this really helps!!! wish all of u well too! amazing but i now know 3 friends in my hometown that have AVMS too recently ! i have gone over 20 yrs thinking i was the only one this site is amazing and it helps that we are not the only ones and that we can support each otherxxx

God Bess. Good luck to everyone having surgery. God’s speed to recovery. Please pray for my husband they are saying his is not operable. ((Hugs))

Are you on BP meds now? Sometimes a stronger diuretic can help lower it.

Hi guys…Does getting your heart rate up also raise blood pressure such as when excercising? I would think logically that it does but the docs never have said that her getting her heart rate up would be a problem. I don’t buy it…she feels like crap everytime she does excercise.

Hi been put on diurectics today!!! i have been told not to exercise as my main artery has blown in my wrist due to too much blood pumping to the avms and the blood will flow to fast back to my heart. I have notice that if i do exceed i can actually feel the blood up my arm and it feels like a stroke! its painfull but it does calm down. getting ready for op next wednesday !!eeeek

We will be praying for you!

Kim, Yes it does. The question is: How much?

Before I had the problems I now have and I "felt" healthy. When ever I was to active, I could always feel it in my head. Sometimes I would get a bad headache and/or a lot of pressure in my head and/or light headed. keep in mind, I use to be in very good shape and I was always active. Working out was nothing new to me. And yet, I could still feel the effect it had on me. Ohhhhh...I use to question myself quite a bit if I should go to the hospital or not. Sometimes I did..Luckily it wasn't bleeding. But, I wasn't sure.

I would think that it would. My son’s docs were amazed that he wasn’t in heart failure because of his AVM and that he didn’t have any apparent kidney damage. They told us that most babies initially present with with them and then they find the AVM. Told us that his heart was working overtime to pump all the extra blood to fill all those extra messed up blood vessels and the anuerysm. Don’t know if that helps or not. But get your pressure checked. There are drugs that can lower it.

Thanks Ben for the info. It's kind of what I expected. Her neurologist always told her to listen to her body to determine what she can do. They have always been hesitant to limit her activities since she is still young.

Laura-thanks for the update. Good luck next week!

You are more than welcome. :)

I wonder (?)...If it would be helpfull for Jaclyn to keep a diary of how she feels when she does certain activitlies. Of how she is feeling, and what she was doing prior to her not feeling well, that could have brought it on. Also what she may have eaten or drank that could have brought something on (for instance - caffeine). Perhaps, just perhaps...she could figure out how she can still do the things she enjoys doing without having any repurcussions from it. I don't know for sure but, it might be worth a try.