Body getting used to shunt?

I have had to have an LP shunt put in like probab ly a month ago now, I’ve already had a revision. But I am soo dizzy all the time! I can’t even walk without 2 people assisting me! The docs seem to think its my body getting used to having the correct prerssure in my head and will go in time. Has anyone else had this? I am sooo fed up up of hospital now! I need some normality!

Hi Kyle,

Sorry, no experience with your situation. Best wishes to you though!

Ron, KS

It took my husband a few months to adjust to his shunt that he had placed in march of this year. He initially suffered severe dizziness anytime he moved. He now rarely experiences this unless making significant or fast movement. So i would say give it a little time. his improved so i hope yours will as well.