Brain avm

My daughter is 19. Seems like this condition is getting worse as she is getting older. She attends college and attempts to stay as active as possible. She wants to get a job, on top of attending 12 hr semesters. Am i wrong to discourage her? I worry that the stress may be too much. She has an inoperable 7mm mass on her right frontal lobe. I worry. Please, any advice would help


Did your daughter have an embolization or did you decide against treatment? I feel as though you had more information in your profile before but nothing there now to help me remember what was going on several years ago.

Tell us what’s going on and we can definitely empathise with you.

In general, I agree with you that 12 hour days are more than enough but it may also be important for her self-worth to be able to carry on the things that she wants to get from life.

Sending you lots of love,


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