Cerebral Angiogram Tomorrow

I hope it’s as smooth as you all say it is, for the most part.

no worries; those are pretty easy. lay back, close your eyes and try to relax.

I don’t remember my first one, it was while I was in the hospital due to the rupture. The second one was, as odd as it may seem, a good experience. One of the nurses was the same as from my initial angio. The thing that made it so good was just how dedicated the staff was to what they do, they explained everything and I felt they cared. I refer to it as “the give a shit factor” was very high. The waiting after drags on a little. They used something called an angio plug which made my time lying still on my back two hours, where I believe it is usually 4. Make sure you use the washroom beforehand. Take Care, John

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I just finished mine. I was “put to sleep” so no issued :heart_eyes:


Just got back from the hospital. The procedure itself was a piece of cake. Super smooth and simple, and I was completely comfortable. The recovery afterward sucks the most. I had a mild headache during recovery, and some visual flashes, but nothing major. Just lying still was the worst part, and peeing into a bottle.

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I forgot to mention I was mildly sedated and fully conscious. It went fine.

Great to hear! John

See? Its ok.

I wasn’t going to tell you beforehand cos I thought you were bothering more than enough about it but I managed to have a vasovagal syncope during the procedure this time, which worried the consultant and the nurses!

Interestingly, I’ve had more dizziness after the angio than I’ve had for a while, though it is now nearly 2 weeks afterwards and id say my dizziness is back to normal levels again.

Your head might feel headachy for quite a few days. I also got the flashing lights / scotomas after an angiogram.

What’s next? Any idea?


Well, the news wasn’t good. The draining vein at transverse sinus is occluded. And there’s backflow/cerebral drainage so I probably need to have this treated asap now, which doesn’t leave me a lot of time to get second opinions.

True. But it sounds like mine. My Update - Dural AVF Embolization

That’s encouraging. My symptoms are rather mild. I still feel like hell after the angiogram. It went well and they did a great job, I just feel wiped out. I may have the procedure performed here in Rochester NY, or at Cleveland Clinic.

This is the 5th full day after my angiogram and I still feel awful. The wound is fine, the problem is weakness, dizziness, headaches, and blurry vision. I get a little better each day, but is this normal? I feel like I’m never going to feel ok again.

When I had my first, Id have said I had a bit of a headache for a day or two but my recent angiogram is much more like you. Quite a head and at least a week feeling more dizzy than normal. I guess it depends which arteries get contrast in them as to what is affected. I can only assume that the mildness of it last time was more to do with my head still recovering from embolization, so the step down with the angio was much less detectable, less marked.

Mine was on 27th. I’m back to normal now. I was surprised that it took more than a week to feel better.

Again, didn’t think I’d share too much with you beforehand. You seemed quite nervous, concerned, and I didn’t think it would help.

Hope that’s ok! :slight_smile:
