Clinical trials Efficacy of anticonvulsants

  1. Ativan (Lorazepam) +sleep

  2. Luminal (Phenobarbital)+sleep. also sold as Solfoton.

  3. Epilog, Depakote (Sodium Valproate) - Valproic Acid

  4. Lamictal (Lamotrigine) - solo or Keppra/Valporic Acid/Tegretol add-on

  5. Valium (Diazepam) +sleep

  6. Banzel (Rufinamide) - Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

  7. Vimpat (Lacosamide)

  8. Diacomit (Stiripentol) - Dravet Syndrome

  9. Lyrica (Pregabalin) - add-on

  10. Keppra (Leviracetam)

  11. Briviact (Brivacetam)

  12. Gabitril (Tiagabine)

  13. Luminal (phenobarbital)

  14. Zonegran (Zonisamide)

  15. Topamax (Topiramate)

  16. Onfi (Clobazam)

  17. Neurontin (Gabapentin)

  18. Mysoline (primidone)


  20. Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine) - - sodium channel blocker, can worsen for genetic

  21. Aptiom (Eslicarbazepine Acetate) - also as Zebinix - - sodium channel blocker, can worsen for genetic

  22. Dilantin (Phenytoin) - can worsen for genetic - sodium channel blocker

  23. Tegretol (Carbamazepine) - sodium channel blocker, can worsen for genetic


Hi Rafa, Thanks a lot for compiling that list. Unfortunately, for me it’s a not-too-happy stroll down memory lane. I’ve had grand mals due to the scar tissue from 2 craniotomies for 49 years. I’ve been on too many of those meds and some w/ very bad results. (Keppra was the worst for me emotionally.)
I’m on Lamictal now and I had a visit w/ my neurologist yesterday. The level of control is pretty good (2-4 seizures/yr). But I’ve been experiencing hives and dizziness so we’re considering Zonisamide. Best wishes, Greg

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Hi Rafa, Probably what I’m on now, Lamictal, provides the best balance-- control/quality of life.
They used to just jack my levels of phenobarbitol up every time I had a seizure. I was like a zombie and my memory of those years is spotty at best.
You can tell I’m not a big fan of seizure meds but they’re a necessary evil for many of us. Sometimes I’m not convinced by the “science.”
I’m hoping CBD or some other natural plant/substance will prove effective and non-addictive. It definitely helps to take care of your body with exercise so that if you do have a seizure you recover from the muscular strains faster. Rafa, thanks again for caring. Best to you, Greg

Interesting! I wish Ativan was a normal thing to take for seizures but I’ve adjusted myself to not take it unless I’m veryyyy sure a seizure is coming on. I have panic attacks often that I know Ativan would calm, but I don’t want to rely on it. (It’s prescribed as needed for me btw)