I found this article through reddit.com from 2010, so it is a few years old. But I thought it was interesting that they found a specific protein involved in AVM formation. I would think this could possibly lead to a simple blood test to see if an AVM is present.
This is also a short and easy to read article, it doesn't throw a lot of medical jargon at you.
"Based on these studies Dr. Solomon, Dr. Connolly, and their team hypothesized that levels of VEGF would be higher in the blood of their patients with AVMs and that those levels would decrease after treatment."
Thanks for sharing. Interesting because the chemo my neuro team was considering for my bad case of radiation necrosis post gamma knife was avastin, which is a VAGF inhibitor. Fortunately the radiation necrosis seems to be resolving after hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I wasn’t looking forward to doing chemo for it.