Computer help

can some one help me i really am not smart with a computer

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not sure how the site works do i have to invite freinds. does everybody see my emails. can i join a discussion.just looking for a little help operating. do i have to get messages from my email or can i get them on the site.thanks shelli

I’m sure Ben will help you out since he started the site. The invite friends thing is done from “My Page” and to access that you need to sign in first and then you can do most things, invite friends, join in discussions, you can start a blog post about yourself on you “Page”. Emails are private so no one else sees them. I think a message will be sent to your email if you get a message. You can also sign up for email notifications of what is going on too. You would do that on your “Page” too.
Again, Ben or others will probably help you out! Mostly, you need to remember to sign in and then you can do more things and see your page. If you want to check out someone else, just click on their picture and it will take you to their page.
Hope this helps to get you going!

Joy did a great job explaining things. Do you need any other help?

Joy…great job explaining things!