Considering going to India for AVM surgery

I am considering AVM procedure to be done in India but not sure if I am making the right decision. Any idea on good neurosurgeon and hospital to have it done in India? If not where else can one go


My name is Bea, I am also a patient, I live in Transylvania, Europe. I recently had finished the embolization process of my AVM, it took 3 interventions to close it totally. These interventions were done in Hungary by Dr. Istvan Hudak, a very experienced professional in this domain (he already has done over 17.000 interventions), he is able to solve very difficult cases. I can strongly recommend him, I don’t know much about your case, I don’t know why would you like to go to India, I can guess there are no such neurosurgeons who can help you, that is why I can suggest you my neurosurgeon because he is working in missions in Asia. There is a foundation in Hungary named Action for the Defenseless People which is raising money and financing asian missions, where the greatest hungarian surgeons are travelling to Asia for doing voluntary surgeries, for instance they recently did the separation of the conjoined twins from Bangladeshi.
I think you can contact them with your case
I hope this will be helpful, best of luck :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the tip. As he will be an international patient, india was more an affordable alternative than say Europe or America. O will try and contact them and see what they say about my brother’s case.

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Have you contacted the Barrows instit in Arizona in the USA Dr Lawton is one of the best in the USA

Thanks Angela. I have called them over 15 times to get a quote on the likely cost for an international patient no response, so l have given up on them. But as you have given Dr Lawton name I will try once more.

Have you found a doctor in India? I am interested as well.

I was operated on by Dr Suresh Bapu neuro surgeon in Chennai, India for. Spinal Dural AVF.
The hospital was SIMS hospital, Chennai. His email id is: krsureshbapu You can write to him and enquire.