Craniotomy thursday

Well, I'm having my surgery on Thursday. Nervous, but I feel that I am in the best hands possible with my surgical team. I don't know what really is going to hasppen, but I am keeping a possitive attitude. I truly fell that I will make it through this with flying colors. I feel that the frame of mind you are in really has an effect on your survival. If anyone wants to share theit experience, that would be great. Thank you all for your prayers and support.



Best wishes for your upcoming surgery and recovery.

Take care,



Good luck this week! A positive outlook is a great thing to have and I’m convinced that it is helpful. Ultimately does it change the outcome of whatever happens? I don’t know. But I sure like to think it does. Even if it physically may not, emotionally it does for both the patient and their family.

I sincerely hope that all the positive attitude, thoughts, vibes, etc will have you through this with flying colors! We hope to have wonderful news on Friday and to see your vry cool new scar :slight_smile:

Best wishes. Stay Strong. I had brain surgery 4 years ago. Was life flighted in icu 4 days and then into surgery. I had the best DR. ever. A strong family and my will to over come. you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers…

Good Luck. I had a bleed/craniotomy in November. I hope everything goes well. It did for me.

Good luck! I had the same feeling about my surgery and I was right! I am doing awesome and am a little over 3 months post op. Don’t worry about a few divots in your head after surgery I freaked out when I felt/saw them. It is because they use bone paste to replace the skull they had to remove to make a hole. Also the staples are all that bad when they remove them. Always always ask questions about anything that pops in your head. Keep us updated about your recovery.

Thank you all. I am glad that others agree about being positive. I’m glad to see that all of you are doing so well. I will keep everyone updated on my progress. My fiance Jessie has access to this page and also has her own page. Take care guys. And, thanks again.

Good luck with the surgery. It’s been almost a year and a half since my bleed and you can’tell I ever had the problem. The doctors and technology are great these days.

My prayers go with you David. I hope things come out OK!! (Pun meant)
Dewdo from the other Washington

William T. Smoot said:

Good luck with the surgery. It’s been almost a year and a half since my bleed and you can’tell I ever had the problem. The doctors and technology are great these days.

That’s a good one Dewey. I’ll tell that one to the Dr. before we go in. And thanks William, I agree that the technology is greater now, and that this will be a smooth operation.

Hey David,
I don’t have a personal report of my own to give but I just wanted to give you my best and you’re in my prayers. You sound like you have an extremely positive attitude about the whole thing and I hope that continues and carries over into your recovery.

Believe me Jessica, there is a part of me that is scared to death, but at the same time I understand that I need to be as strong as I can be physically and mentally in order to give myself the best chance of a smooth recovery. I feel comfortable with my surgeon, so that eases that additional worry. Thanks for the prayers. I’ll keep you all posted.

Mate, if your worried about any pain, FORGET IT, the worst thing I had was not being able to pooh after the op, and once the laxatives did their thing well the room didn’t smell like flowers but all was good for the rest of the week.
I did freak out finding a pipe up the end of my penis, but when I saw the pee container, I was glad for it as I’m way to old to wet the bed.

Catch ya later

Everything will be fine. Can´t wait to hear excellent news from you. xx

Hey guys. i made it. The Dr. said I was doing better than anyone he had seen in my shoes. I’ve already been up and walking in my room. I’m in ICU for now, but Im going to a step down unit in a few min.s. Doc said I’d be home on Monday at the latest. i have some left side weakness, but I’ll be able to rehab it. I am so blessed. I’m only typing with one hand and I’m still in a little pain, so I’m gonna go for now. Thank all of you for your prayers. and support. I’ll post some pics in the next few days. Take care all.

Great to hear! Thanks for the update, and get well soon!

Take care,


Congratulations David!!! This site is full of good news today! Hope you have a safe and speedy recovery! Remember to rest a lot, take it easy and don’t push yourself.

Congratulations David!!!

Good for you Dave!!! We will still keep you in our prayers!!!

David said:

Hey guys. i made it. The Dr. said I was doing better than anyone he had seen in my shoes. I’ve already been up and walking in my room. I’m in ICU for now, but Im going to a step down unit in a few min.s. Doc said I’d be home on Monday at the latest. i have some left side weakness, but I’ll be able to rehab it. I am so blessed. I’m only typing with one hand and I’m still in a little pain, so I’m gonna go for now. Thank all of you for your prayers. and support. I’ll post some pics in the next few days. Take care all.

Congratulations! Glad everything is going so well!! Yeah!!