My AVM was in the back of my brain. The doctors had to do an emergency craniotomy. Part of my cerebellum was removed and a little of my brain. This was back in 2003. I went to therapy for many years, and saw a neuropsychologist for a while. I eventually learned how to adapt to my new life, but it was difficult of course. I lost most of my memories, I have a learning disability now, but I just graduated from college in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree. I’m 51 years old now, so it was difficult. The occupational and physical therapy didn’t do very much after I gained all of my muscles back. Time and my mental health were probably the biggest factors in my recovery.
Thank you for being here & writing that up
Quite short, but very descriptive, to the the point & extremely inspirational
Thank you again!
P.S. I noticed you’re also in Arizona. Back in 2003 were you at Barrow Neurological? Just thought I’d ask
Welcome! Congrats on the degree, that is awesome. I had a bleed, and gamma knife, so quite different but can say we are not great at taking care of the mental health side of things in a lot of cases. I know that is certainly the case with me, but I do try very hard to deal with mental health in a positive manner. My go to is exercise, which I am fortunate to be able to do. I am a big believer in trying to balance exercise, diet and sleep but do also seek professional assistance that I do a check in with once in a while.
I want to say bravo to you! I really hope you are successful with your new business, and I agree 100% in sometimes not a lot of support for the disabled. Your experience will without doubt help many! Take Care, John
Hi Mike, I’m glad you’re learning to adapt to your new life. I’m also in AZ and I had 2 craniotomies. Best wishes, Greg
Welcome & thanks for being an inspiration to many of us… you have achieved in life what most will never do, so take the time to reward yourself… God bless!
@michaelf Congratulations on graduating college! I love your business and not sure if it’s a nonprofit but definitely sounds like it could be one.
I am on my local county’s aging commission which we partner with many other commissions such as the disability commission. We also put out a hand book hard copy and online version in 3 languages for all the non profit services in the county which has a section for jobs.
Every county has an Aging and Adult service Dept and Disability Dept by federal law. You might want to hook up with them as well.
I also volunteer with our local villages group which is another nonprofit that people that are older adults or people with disabilities that pay a set annual fee or get a scholarship . Then they get rides to by volunteers like me to drs appt grocery shopping really anything, home safety check, gardening , and small home projects.
They have monthly get togethers for their members with speakers.
These village groups are all over.
Thank you for the kudos. Right now, I am not a non-profit. I am still considering it though. Thank you for the advice too. It’s much appreciated.
Thank you for your response. I appreciate it. I am trying to achieve my goals with my life, helping people.
I tried sending responses to everyone, but I kept getting an ‘undeliverable’ message in my email. If you didn’t get a response, I apologize.
Thanks for sharing your story with us. My AVM was also in my cerebellum
My bleed was in the cerebellum, also. In 1993… Emergency crani, too…
The faculty at UCSF School of Nursing were so very supportive in assisting me to complete my MS. It took extra time, as you are aware, and patience! I could never return to my profession, but did find satisfaction in reaching my academic goal.
I would definitely agree that mental health support is most imperative in a full recovery. Especially with a condition such as an AVM, family, friends just don’t understand what adapting to life is like following the immediate recovery. It falls directly on our shoulders to find our way.
You have accomplished so much! Be proud of those BIG achievements, and the little, everyday ones!
I had emergency brain surgery December 2002 and was in a coma for 6 weeks. It took me over 2 months to be released from the hospital, I did well, thank the Lord.
Wow! Six weeks? Was it medically induced?
Congratulations on your achievement!
Yes it was a medically induced coma. I have a a few small things but basically my recovery was a miracle; thank the Lord!
2 posts were split to a new topic: How Are You Doing?