CT Scan, Computer tomography with VNS, RNS or DBS

Does anybody here has the
And can shed some light in the risks or precautions with CT Scan?

I have read you cannot do Computer Tomography if you have the RNS
You cannot do MRI if you have the RNS

I have reward you cannot do MRI if you have the VNS

The three times I had a seizure, first thing 911 does is takes you to hospital :hospital:
And first thing they do is a quick CT Scan of your brain :brain:

So is not like I’m awake to even tell them they need to turn the device off

I would appreciate some advice based on experience

Hey Rafa
I have had a craniotomy and I have a shunt (a drain) inserted into my brain. I’ve had some specialists tell me ‘No more MRI’s’ and yet other specialists have sent me for MRI’s. Prior I have to arrange for a technician to be present to reset the shunt valve after the scan, but otherwise, no issue.

Now, I’m in Australia and I have a medical ID bracelet. On the back of it lists my conditions, my implant and the craniotomy. The craniotomy is listed because I’m going bald, I wear a hat. Anybody seeing my skull, minus the hat is in for a shock. I’ve had a few neurosurgeries and it looks like someone took to me with a baseball bat with humps/hollows/suture lines all over. The bracelet tells others why if it’s needed.

There is also a phone number (with international codes) etched on the bracelet, with a file number. Anybody can call that number and have access to my medical details from allergies to heart rate. I keep this database updated yearly. As part of the service they also send out a plastic card (the size of a credit card) for your wallet, with all of the same details.

So I could collapse in the middle of a shopping centre, the details are available, call the number.

That’s what I’ve done for both my safety and those around me.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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I’m not a doctor nor medical professional so take this only as what I’ve had done, but when it comes to life or death, I’ll risk radiation exposure vs bleed. I’ve had numerous CT scans, MRIs, PET scans and more. I’m 41. I first bleed at 18. Second at 19. My third bleed was in 2010 and a craniotomy to get that one. Then in 2018 I had a stroke. I’m sure I’ll have to deal with issues later in life but I’m all for the medical professionals doing what they need to treat the condition. Way I figure, we all gotta die, how instead are we gonna live! Blessings as you continue, grace & peace as you go!

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