Diabetes after AVM Rupture

I have a question for all of you survivors out there.
Have any of you been diagnosed with diabetes, or elevated glucose, following you AVM rupture and surgery? I've read there is a correlation between stroke and diabetes, but not sure of AVM.

My AVM did not rupture but I did have a stroke prior to my DAVF-
I started to use coconut oil in my tea every day and it lowered everything weight, chloresterol, and my sugar.
I now only cook with coconut oil and olive oil. I also use for my cat who gets seizures and its helped
worth a try try 1sp a day and work your way up to 3tsp


Thanks so much for your reply, a few folks have recommended coconut oil.

I'll give it a try.

Hi Angela. I was hoping someone would respond to this question. Good on you. Awesome info. I have seizures , so I'm game to try anything extra. Weight loss, not much of an issue for me but, ... heck, one never knows when that will sneak up on you ! ! !

Will be a added bonus if this holds true.

I do realize the original question was for diabetes. Really like your answer

Hello Rancher
I was having seizures as well before and after my stroke and the drugs were not helping I was on Topomax- My husband did some research and we tried coconut oil and turmeric and it worked it even blew the Stanford doctors how fast I recovered. It also the turmeric helped my hair grow back and my brain damage went away
I know coconut is proven in humans to help with seizures you should see if you can do 3 tablespoons a day
get organic cold pressed
this is the one I use and I cook with it too and keep one in the bathroom for a lotion and makeup remover
also read Coconut cures you can get off Amazon as well
