Does anyone else behave like a complete XXXXX at times?

I never swore before, now I do.
Can’t handle noise I just lose it.
Sensitive to light gives me migraines. I have learn to go for walks when l feel stressed and naps when l can’t cope. Personality changes are common after AVM .

Hello Heather,

That's good to hear.
I guess I am quite tough on myself sometimes, and some situations just .. don' I love sleep and total peace and quiet, anyone else the same?

Recently I was told 'A and B have said that you are capable of behaving well with them. So you can do it. If however you behave badly or are rude they will not speak to you.' This person believes I can control / change my behaviour.
I do what I can. I am not super human. I have a vol job which is demanding at times. I worked one morning this week, slept for four hours in the afternoon. Did another long stint yesterday and slept again in the pm. Today I have not got up at all. That is just how it is, I'm not complaining, I simply don't have the energy to get up and need peace today.
Is it possible to change your behaviour? Has anyone managed to? HOW?!!

I had an episode two days ago. I wasn't aware of my actions til the next morning when Mother told me. I had to apologize too my family. I'm not able to handle stressful situations or being around a large group of people.


My daughter had a massive bleed and emergent craniotomy, plus she required two subsequent craniotomies. She is easily angered and frustrated. She has a sister who likes to tease, but my daughter just gets mad and strikes out.

There is no re-programming. Your impulse control is probably about my daughter’s – nonexistent. Our doctor once told me that we just have to prep the world for my daughter. Find mechanisms to help you when you’re upset. Therapists could help you come up with some ideas that could help.

Otherwise, it’s a matter of patience and hopefully both of you learning to better control the anger and frustration. Best wishes!

I take half that dosage of Keppra and my doctor calls it the "Rage".
Find somebody deaf for now.

Hi Guys and gals,

I was wondering how you are all coping /controlling yr inner XXXXX a the mo. Mine is under control due to lots of not thinking deeply and just being.
How are you all?

Hi Just need to vent.
AARRRGGGH had a meal, noisy, couldn't hear easily/concentrate. Felt was going to burst out crying so left and lay down for an hour. Needed peace and to get away from all the people. S/o in the group had been on some trip and said in a really patronising way 'WE WENT FOR THREE HOURS AND DID SUCH AND SUCH, WE DIDN'T TELL YOU BECAUSE WE WEREN'T SURE IF YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT.' What do you do when people don't tell you stuff 'for your own good' and keep stuff from you? and you suspect they have been somewhere or done something but only find out by asking. Or don't tell you things? I am feeling really P'd off about this atm. Is this normal for brain avers to experience? WHY??????

what I have read, and find so interesting, is that avm's can sometimes be the cause of behavioral issues in children. My brother has always had difficult behavior. He had outbursts, no filter; said whatever was on his mind, and also suffered from panic attacks. He is also brilliant; was reading at a 2nd grade level by age 3. I often wonder if this was the evil doings of an avm that was brewing. Until this day, he continues to have issues with anger, has very little patience. He is doing well with medication and I believe this and his faith in God, has helped him through his ordeal.
Regardless, I believe talking about how you feel is very important, whetber it is one to one with a psychiatrist, therapist, or in a group setting or online like this wonderful forum.

So next time, you find a smaller and quieter place to meet up for dinner. Plan a cutoff time so you don’t get overwhelmed. The issue isn’t them. You just want to find your triggers, and learn how to work around them. It can work, really.

Hang in there, flower. My daughter can’t handle crowds or noise. We adjust and go to quieter places or shop at slower times when it’s not so busy.

Best wishes!


I think you may be onto something there!

Tina, thanks. You are wise.
Pm me if you like.
Can you be my guru?!
I was given the option of not going but then I would have missed out. I was also given the option of seeing people separately but thought that would be anti-social so thought I could do it. I also wanted to go. WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Diary of a bitch part three
OMG I may start dating.Thoughts from fellow brain avmers plse?
Do you think it is helpful/logical in finding a mate, to find some-one who has been through a similar experience, ie is not from Planet Normal, but from Planet Challenging?
Is it possible for one person from Planet Normal to understand / have empathy with someone from Planet Challenging? Or are they two different species? Hmmmmm Wld a relationship with someone from your own planet be richer?

Your family sounds a lot like mine. I’m glad I’m not alone. I can’t always remember to count to 10. Usually my rage gets worse. Some family members have not researched my damage enough to understand my impulses which angers me more when I’m calm and rational. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Sometimes I feel so alone, like I have no one, no friends, no one I can call, no one who understands me and when that happens its the worst feeling in the whole world.

Totally hear ya, stress. Although I don’t have the typical seizures, stress definitely super-sizes any of my issues and derails my efforts.