Drum Roll please... Winning T-shirt Design is

#2!!!! As if there was really ever any doubt!

A few small changes to the design, most importantly all of the shadow people have their arms around each other in one gigantic hug! I think that is such a good representation of our AVM family! We do all support each other and do show that compassion for one another. We DO give virtual hugs :)

There are only a few more days to buy your shirt! Don't miss out on the opportunity to have one to proudly wear in your home town and help raise awareness! You don't need to be a SF walker to order!!

Head over to our shop and order before times up!


I love it! I’ll be ordering very soon.

Deadline Extended!!!

That’s right, there is still time to get your 2010 AVM Walk Tshirt! But only a few more days till we have to get the order over to the printers!!! So go place your order now! Don’t miss our on our very cool shirt, and your chance to supoort TAAF.
