Embolisation is a NO

The second doctor, a embo specialist, also want another craniotomy.
He is a very experienced doctor, he has embolised more than 800 AVMs.

He said the remaining AVM vessels are not tied together, there are some very narrow “legs” etc, etc…

I have started to accept the idea and at the same time feel “happy” we are getting more opinions, so we don´t make a mistake this time. It seems that going for embo would be a mistake.

It is hard but it is life and we are dealing with an avm. I will always respect this condition. I hope with my experience I can advise and help many others.

This network help me a lot, I just wish I knew it before Daniels surgery, I would definitely have more information and questions to the doctor.

We are going to see two more doctors and then make a decision.

Probably in a few weeks we are moving to another city. I know nothing of what is going to happen, just hope I can continue to be in contact with you all.

Please keep praying, it will do my best to tell you about dates.
Lots of love to all.
Thanks for reading.

You & Daniel will alway be in our prayers Erica, we will all wait for your updates as and when you can post them, take care my friend. x

You’ll both be in my thoughts. Take care and hope to hear good news soon

Hi Erica
I really hope you can keep us updated. Take care. I will be thinking of you.
Lots of love, Soili

It is very good to know you are getting more opinions before deciding. Please keep us updated.

Take care… lots of love. Keeping you in prayer.

Of course you and Daniel will stay in my prayers, Erica! You will find the right doctor for him!

Your family is in my thoughts!

Hi Erica
I am happy to hear that finally you found the best solution.This is very important that we make sure about the method of treatment.
Usually Embolizers, reject Open Surgery.Now, a Neuroradiologist with 800 experience is recommending open surgery!This means that there is no doubt that surgery is the unique solution for your son but be carefull about finding Neurosurgeon.If you can, take your son to US or Europe or Australia, otherwise, try to find the best expert in AVM and Aneurysm in the Brazil and remember that AVM has to be removed by Cerebrovascular Neurosurgeon (a Neurosurgeon who deals with the vessels of the brain not the brain itself) not by a normal Neurosurgeon.