Essential Oils

My AVM was surgically removed in 2013. Since the surgery, I have had neuropathy in my feet and legs. I was taking 3200mg of Gabepentin daily (and needed more!) until someone talked me into trying out essential oils. I was very doubtful these would help. Long story short, I noticed relief within a few weeks and within 2 months I was down to 1200mg Gabepentin daily. After 6 more months, I now usually take 800mg daily. I don't know if there is a real difference in brands, but I use DoTerra brand. I thought I'd share my experience just in case others want to try to aid in easing symptoms of neuropathy in a more natural way. I had trouble with the Gabepentin making me sleepy and me trying to function in a "fog", but that has cleared up with being able to decrease my dosage of the Gabepentin. Hint: If you try the oils and decide they help, you will save some money if you sign up to sell them. I only "sell" it to myself because that isn't something I wanted to take on, but I receive the discount and earn free oil credits that pay for some of my oils. This is not a cure, but may help relieve some problems for others!

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Thanks for the tip. Just wondering which one you use... I found many types with different properties.. which one was the one you use?

I use DoTerra. I use a few, everyday, twice a day. The ones I use are peppermint, eucalyptus, wintergreen, aroma touch, and lemon grass. Hope some combination can help ease someone else's symptoms.

I love essential oils and believe they can be very useful in holistic care. A study showed ADD kids can be much more attentive when their desktops are wiped with diluted citrus oil.

One caveat I have heard; essential oils can trigger seizures in people with seizure disorders. Ask your health care provider for specifics.

I don’t have seizures and have not heard the correlation, but anything is possible. My neurologist told me to keep using as long as they help. He said while he didn’t know a lot about them, he had not heard they can harm.
