Has anyone have pulmonary AVMs treated at Stanford or UCSF and have any feedbacks? Stanford would be the closest to us but I am a little confused on which doctor to turn to - there seems to be multiple interventional radiologists who can perform the surgery!
@wjchou Hello I am area - My personal choice was to go with Stanford. I dont have pulmonary AVM but I have a rare AVM called a DAVF and I went with Dr Michael Marks at Stanford. I have had two surgeries with him and have full confidence with him. People travel from all over the country to see him- I personally dont want someone young operating on me for an AVM I want someone with experience, The only other person I would let operate on me is Michael Lawton at Barrow in Arizona and he was at UCSF when I still choose Dr Marks and Dr Lawton is good friend of my ENT. I have seen Dr Lawtons work and he is amazing. I also live closer to Stanford and I was already seeing the head of stroke at Stanford for a rare stroke I had prior to my AVM called CVST. Dr Marks is the founder and head of neuro radiology at Stanford. Let me know if you have any questions- Angela