Hello everybody. I had my crani for my right temporal AVM last year on the 6 Octobre, all went well and with time I recovered very well...I had my first GM seizure in June 2011 - and afterwards never another - till the 13 October this year. I think it was another aeizure, so I was alone at home and dont remember anything..I know I felt a bit weird - and awoke one hour later in my bed...I know I went to the toilet to vomit during this hour, but thats all ...when I woke up I was all clear again, I phoned directly my friend and my mom and we went to the ER, but they couldnt tell me anything. I damaged both of my ankles and had 3 bruises on my head after this event...All in all it was a bit different from the first one, coz there it took my some longer to get all clear again and I peed myself and such things. The EEg they took 4 days (!) later was all ok. Dont know what to think. The things that bothers me now are, since this event I feel like I was at the time after my crani - I am tired and stressed so fast, I need to take a nap every now and then - I am very anxious and have small panic attacks and feel psychic not very well. Lights and sounds and people stress my very quick...i get overloaded again. Shit. This all was so good..and now Im all back in the beginning. This scares me a bit - I dont know whom to ask about that - so is this kinda usual to feel like that again and will it subside again? Every help and advice would be appreciated. Thank u very much.
Manux, are you on some kind of anti-seizure medication?
Hey...no - I never took any kind of medication...it wasnt necessary so i had only one seizure last year in june----and now....nobody´s really sure what and how and ....
I think it is necessary to look into medication now, as it very much sounds like you have had another GM seizure. Please inform your neuro. You may also want to join our seizure group: http://www.avmsurvivors.org/group/avm-with-seizures-epilepsy
Hi Manux,
I just had my second grand mal seizure last Tuesday. My first was in May of this year, which made me completely stupid for 6 weeks. The one I had last week, I can relate with you on this post. I feel lost, in the clouds, tired, I am easily irritated, I feel the need to nap. My tinnitus is up, I feel like my heads wants to "crack like an egg". My migraines are worse. I am on seizure meds and I see my neurologist tomorrow. I went to the ER and my CT scan was fine. I thankfully had someone by my side during my seizure, but they sent me home from the ER this time around instead of keeping me at the hospital. I thought that was odd. This time around I do have my wits about me which I am thankful for, but I notice I have a hard time gathering information without confusion at first. I am really, really foggy and tired. I have no energy at all and I "look" sickly and lethargic. I had a few pictures snapped of me recently and I literally gasped out loud like, "Is this me?". My head feels sore to the touch around my avm area, I just feel really odd this time around. I'm off. It's just not the same. I am hoping for some better news this time around. I just saw my neurosurgoen the week before my seizure for my 6-month follow up to my surgery, it was actually 8 months from it, long story, but I had swelling around my avm, 4th it happened. He had me on a setroid pack, and started me on additional meds and 5 days later, wham, another seizure. Never had them in my life until this gamma knife in February. Now I'm just scared shitless. Make an appointment with your neurologist and start on some anti-seizure meds...why aren't you on them now? OF course, I am, but not on a big enough dose to prevent them from happening, I'm still "stepping up".
Thx so much for ur answers...its calms me a bit to hear that u´re almost the same..so I see its - when not normal - at least kinda usual to feel a bit weird and foggy.....Im not on meds coz they scare me more than the seizures..i have an phobia for meds coz i had an allergic shock in 1986 from an influenza med, which almost killed me...so till then I didnt take a single pill - except the ones they gave me in hospital after my crani. And so I only had that one seizure in June 2011 and afterwards never ever another - they didnt think its necessary to take meds. It was both times kinda provocated - lack of sleep , too much stress- physically and mentally...too long on the lappy...such things, I talked with my neurologist and told him I take more care for myself now and if I get another seizure again I will take the meds,but as said - they really scare me. I was so well the last weeks before thios seizure, things improved so much - I was almost back to normal, in some cases even better - and now - BUMM- this shit again...Pls take care, I hope u feel better soon, thx again for ur help XXX
Yes, I felt back to normal too, I just was promoted at work and was ready to increase my hours back to 40 a week again from my last seizure. I slowly went from 40 down to 10-15 then to 25 hours and was just going to tell them to put me to 40 hours after my check-up last week and wham, seizure. I'm not going to do that now, lol. I'll keep my hours as they are and try to work my way up again if my fogginess disappears. Like I said, I'm just thankful I am not "Stupid" this time around. The first seizure I had I was literally dumbed down for weeks. It was crazy. I know what you mean about meds. I'm allergic to a lot of them - most are narcotics and pain medications. I am more for natural therapy. ;) Take care also and glad I can offer up some reassurance!