Hi all,
Been on this site for a while now ...since July last year when I had my 2 nocturnal grand mal seizures and discovery of a right frontal lobe AVM.
so I dont even know where to start really!! suppose from when my life changed would be a somewhere.
up until July last year I was a "normal" every day kind of person went to bed one night woke up the following day with paramedics surrounding me and asking me questions like what my name was , what year was it , who the person was in front me ect and all I could say was "I dont know"
got taken to hospital and they did an MRI to discover I had a right frontal lobe AVM that had bled and had calcified.
surgeon came to see me and said we need to do a Craniotomy to remove the AVM because of the high risks , I was like OMG I never even had any type of surgery in my life and im perfectly healthy what is going on, didnt even know what an AVM was or never even heard of it until then.
they put me on Tegratol for the seizures and said wait for your surgery date to come through, I was sent home with my wife she was frightened because she was scared of seeing me have another seizure I was frightened cause I was scared of dying or worse from the surgery.
for months I was confused, sleepy , drowsy , could not handle crowded palces or to conversations and it felt like I was stood in a room with a million people screaming at me at once, I couldn't follow conversations, suddenly I cannot take in information, my words all come out wrong, I have panic attacks , and would snap at the littlest things that normally I would let go over my head, my emotions are all over the place , I cant show love when I want to , or express my self as I would normally , simple things like cooking a meal became a mammoth task and as for multi tasking forget it.
I became very depressed and find myself having lots of suicidal thoughts even to the point of planning it "why" I dont know.
then I had my surgery on November 4th 2013 , I was down for 5 hours or so and came round and the first thing I thought was " I am so happy to still be here".
5 days in hospital I was sent home , I thought great its over and I can get on with my life ......... how wrong I was.
on January 16th this year I had an argument over a "lunch box" of all things with my step son he text my wife and said he dont want to live with me anymore my wife comes home from work early and we end up arguing .....one week later I have divorce papers handed to me .... still dont understand to this day what happened we had only been married 16 months and everything was perfect up until my AVM came to light ......
now I still feel very depressed, I still find I am snappy, and I just dont feel like I am the person I was I try taliking to friends and family and all they say is " pick yourself up and carry on" ....... how do you do that when you dont understand what is going on in your own head!!!!
I find myself feeling lost and confused in a world that just dose not understand what is going on with my head, they just say " well you cant see the scar so you must be good"......whats that about !!
you say "CANCER" to someone they know what you mean you say "AVM" to someone and see what they say ....its always " whats that then".
I just dont know what to do next , it is only now that the
neuro rehab team is getting involved.............why was I not offered this in july to help deal with the sorts of problems I could face.!!
my neurologist has only just started to get me of tegratol and onto keppra which he says has less side effects!!!
I find it hard to sleep I have nightmares and dreams, that are so really I find it hard to distinguish between what was a dream and what is not.
I cry at the drop of a hat and for no reason what so ever and people say " what are you crying for" and I say I have no idea.
is it just me or is this "our new normal" I dont know , I wish there was a place local to me in the uk im in coventry. where people with the same thing can go and talk at least we may have some understanding of each other and to what is going on in our heads.
suppose I dont know what the point is to this post but just want to know that I am not alone in all these strange things that I have going on in my head. x