Total obliteration refers to the AVM/dAVF being completely sealed with embolization liquid - I think anything above 98-99% is considered totally obliterated
You personally, for now - work out - but, take it easy. Until this thing is either taken care of, or you’re monitoring it & it’s not getting worse - hey, a 140Lb deadlift for a lady isn’t a little amount
But, as you can see - well, anything is possible. After going what I went through, I did not have the slightest thought in my head that I would be back to heavy lifting - let alone how fast. . . I remember the day I left ICU, I couldn’t walk & had to be wheeled out in a wheelchair. It was the best feeling ever just to feel fresh air again. For weeks I could barely make it around the block holding onto my wife barely walking & losing my breath.
But, like my neurosurgeon told me “you’ll make great strides” - and, I did. Within a month or so I was able to curl 10 pound weights. . . I only started lifting anything after they told me that complete obliteration was achieved.
I haven’t been on here as much as I was at first. Reading yours and others stories really puts me in a different mood - not entirely a bad one. But, how blessed am I to be how I am today. . . Just woke up right now, the light brut in my left ear is still there to remind me that all of this was real. And, I go from there - before all of this, I sounded like anyone else - another day, same ol” same ol’ - but, not any more. Every day now is more like a new adventure. It still scares me shitless every time I get on the bench, squat rack with the weight that I do - knowing what’s holding me together.
My 20’s something gym buddy can’t believe what I do - just can’t. I still lift more than him - and, “you’re doing this with your brain glued together” - well, I guess I am
But, like I mentioned way earlier - I’m not fighting through pain or any other nasty feelings throughout my head. . . I’m already older & know how to workout fairly well - I’m trying my best to go for the long haul, not just break records. . . Almost a decade back, I lifted way more. And, now I just look back at that stuff & I’m glad I already got it out of my system. I haven’t been lifting insane weights for about two years prior to this happening. Before that, I reached about 450 Lbs on both deadlift & squat - my bench always lacked & I barely reached 315 or so
I stopped with the ridiculous weights when my back went out twice & I couldn’t move for a week at a time.
Again - so far, so good. . . I am just amazed with myself at this point. I never thought this would be possible again in my lifetime. . .
And, I’m going to mention this anywhere I get into what I actually do - this is at my own risk, I don’t recommend anyone actually doing this, follow your body - I’ve been so blessed that mine keeps going