Gamma knife scheduled for September 16, 2024

I found out today that my AVM is a grade 4!
Recurrence of previously treated right occipital arteriovenous malformation with feeders through right posterior cerebral artery and drainage into superior sagittal sinus. My neurosurgeon said it is a high risk of a brain bleed… I have to have another cerebral angiogram. I just had one this month and I have to have one the day of my gamma knife with an MRI so it’s going to be a very long day they said. This is my second gamma knife. My first gave me brain, swelling, and necrosis for which I was given dexamethasone Into the necrosis of Avastin as strong cancer drug was put into my brain. I know I may have repeated some of this in a previous post, but I’m just saying all this again in case someone sees this for the first time

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Sorry if some of my words aren’t in order, I have to use the microphone because the first time I had gamma knife. I was left with permanent blindness in both eyes not total blindness just partial.

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Hi Linda, no worries on the word order! It made perfect sense to me. It does sound like a long day coming up for you. We will all be with you on the 16th, and hope for the best. I look forward to hearing from you post procedure and hope all goes smooth, a little better than last round for sure. Take Care, John.


Thank you so much doe the kind words. I will update after. God bless.


You’ve had a rough time Linda, wishing you all the best for your gamma knife this time around.


Thank you!

Oh my. Another round. I will be thinking of you on the 16th, sending strength and a smooth recovery your way.


Thank you so much! I’m sure dreading it all.

Hi Linda,
Will pray for you as you go through your second gamma knife procedure. Will also pray for the doctors that will care for you as well. Many blessings on a successful procedure.

Thank you so much! God bless