I had my gamma knife today and cerebral angiogram and an MRI. I’m done. I had to be there at 6 AM this morning. Left my house at three to make it heading home now. I came through it all thank you all for the comments and prayers. It all happened this month of AVM awareness month. I’m two days out from my second gamma knife, 2019, and 2024. I pray it works this time. I only did Gamma for my family, it’s the choice they wanted, I had only two options craniotomy or GKRS, doing nothing was not an option. My head is sore in the four spots where the frame is screwed in and my hand is very sore and swollen, but I’m fine other than that right now anyways
Nice to have it in the rearview mirror! Wishing the best! Take Care, John
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Wish you nothing but the best
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Well it’s good to know you’re through and have had a good day. I saw the photo which was slightly terrifying!
I hope the gamma knife does it thing and you stay safe meanwhile. Do come back and talk to us about how you’re getting on. We all gain some encouragement from others who are getting through successfully or at least a bit of fellowship when it’s being more difficult.
Very best wishes for a fantastic outcome!
Glad to hear you are doing okay & keep us posted… God bless!
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Best of luck!