Hello, I have received my date for GK and the nurse who rang me told me the radiology MDT notes say no angiogram on the day just MRI to visualise the AVM on my brain. I’m really worried because I obviously want the most accurate targeting of the AVM and when I had my face to face consultation the GK consultant said I’d be having angiogram we even discussed trying the arm this time instead of groin. Has anyone else just had MRI on day of GK?
Not sure about that. You’re right about wanting to have the most accurate target to avoid necrosis or other complications. My son had lots of imagings such as MRI, MRA and CTAs. He also got the mask covering for Gamma Knife. The angiogram was done way before as he got Embolization previous to Gamma Knife. Not sure why they are not doing all kinds of imagings on you before Gamma Knife as they need to get specific location.
This is useful because this is what I wondered may be typical. So effectively they didn’t use the angiogram on the day: just one or more of the other imaging techniques.
I went and read the following post today as I remember pinning it as a good description of what gamma knife is all about.
In it @micko described having both angiogram and MRI but I tend to feel that the angiogram is used to see the AVM as a whole and the MRI may be used for the measurements, in which case, @Summer010824’s experience of not having any angiogram planned as part of the gamma knife visit kinda fits the same way as for your son.
I’m sure it is only a matter of querying why this is the case. I’m thinking the MRI is a perfect method for pinpointing the places to zap and no need to expose to more radiation than necessary.
I think for radiation treatment angiogram is not useful, I ve watched my doctor seeing my AVM from all angles just from the MRI so I guess there’s nothing to worry about.
I had GK early December last year at Sheffield without an angiogram.
I too am worried that this may have created a lack of accuracy, but was convinced by the experts at the time that it was unnecessary. I guess that only time will tell.
I trust that the MRI I had on the day, the picture that had already been established and my age/size/location of AVM all contributed to their decision.
Plus - bonus - no angio, which I found to be painful during, and very uncomfortable afterwards previously.
Trust your gut instinct and good luck.
Thanks i think all the above comments are reassuring for me, i am pleased if I don’t need the angiogram as I also found my previous one painful both the insertion site and when they pushed the dye through. Not long now so will update after treatment