Gamma Knife

What exactly is this gamma knife? I’ve heard of it quite often on this site, but never heard any neurologist mention it to me.

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Hi Alison, Good question. I just assumed it’s like a scalpel using radiation instead of a metal blade.
I probably shouldn’t have made that assumption so I’m interested in learning about this.
Best wishes, Greg

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The Gamma Knife is an advanced radiation treatment for adults and children with small to medium brain tumors, abnormal blood vessel formations called arteriovenous malformations, epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, a nerve condition that causes chronic pain, and other neurological conditions.

I’m not sure on the exact number but in and around 200 mild beams of radiation cause no damage as they pass through but all meet at a focal point. In AVMs the radiation over time causes the vessels to occlude, or grow shut, over a period of time.

I had it completed in 2016. John


Hi I had gamma knife done in October. I was in the machine for 2hrs. Didn’t hurt at all. For me the worst part was getting the frame put on your head. I’m pretty sure it’s 162beams that pinpoint the section of where they do the radation. I go back in 2 weeks for a MRI to see how it’s going. It can take up to 2-3years to work.

Thanks guys! :grin:


When you had that done, were you awake or did they give you sedation?