Hair Loss after Radiation


I have started losing some hair a couple of weeks after my cyberknife treatment. It is about a nickel or quarter sized spot pretty much right on my part on the top of my head. I was just wondering if this usually grows back? Right now I’m just wearing a bandana and if it gets any worse I’ll have my housemate give me a mohawk!

yes i never had any hair loss after my radiation treatments. I wish I would of but no hair loss here.

Before you make any rash decisions about getting a mohawk, first see if you can get some Couvre camouflaging cream to cover up the bald spot until your new baby hair starts growing in eventually :>
Give it a few months and see what happens, I hope it grows back nicely!

To be perfectly honest with you I just started to go bald…within the last 3 month I had a circle about the size of the palm of my hand. Now hair is slowly starting to grow back. I think mine is happening because of the meds I am on and I hear that it is a very likely possibility. Wait it out and dont cut it all off. my hair is pretty long and after my first surgery it was halfway down my back and I just let the other hairs grow out even tho it took along time.

My son had Gamma on July 2. He lost a large patch of hair about 2-3 weeks after. It has JUST started to grow back in the last 2 weeks so that is a good 3 months until his started to grow back. He was totally bald in his patch as well.
Can you do a comb-over?

The spots aren’t huge and right now I’m just wearing a hat and not washing my hair overmuch. I’m glad to hear the hairloss isn’t usually permanent!

Liam said:

Mohawk sounds good, post some pictures up when it is done.
I had the gamma knife on a few occasions, each time I had circles of hairloss and shaved my head each time. Not so bad for us men, I can understand the concern for the ladies. The hairloss isn’t permanent, so in a few weeks you will notice it growing back.

I have certainly had some crazy haircuts in the past! We’ll see about the mohawk…unfortunately the hairloss is where the mohawk would be…on top of my head!

I get hair loss as well from my treatments…although I’m lucky enough that it tends to be just at the back of my neck. The radiation goes right through my mouth/face area and after a bunch of treatments…I end up with little bald patches in the back. The rest of my hair covers it, except that I am a daily “tie my hair in a knot on top of my head” kinda girl… oh well!


I’ve experienced hair loss twice from AVM procedures and how you wear your hair depends on how you want to look at it. I look like a wet tennnis ball when my hair is short, so after my first procedure I covered the bald spot with the hair surrounding the spot (kind of like a comb-over.) I found when I did this that only the people cutting my hair noticed it. After the second procedure, s I wore my hair long(I had two bald spots to comb over) until the hair grew in, then I cut it.

You can also look at this time as an opportunity to wear your hair differently (the Mohawk you mentioned) as long as cutting your hair that way isn’t a daily reminder of the bad memories from the AVM. Good luck with whatever your choice is.

Thanks Mike…My hair is starting to grow back so I guss I’ll just wear a hat for awhile longer. Hopefully I won’t need anymore treatments (fingers crossed).
Mike Roberts said:


I’ve experienced hair loss twice from AVM procedures and how you wear your hair depends on how you want to look at it. I look like a wet tennnis ball when my hair is short, so after my first procedure I covered the bald spot with the hair surrounding the spot (kind of like a comb-over.) I found when I did this that only the people cutting my hair noticed it. After the second procedure, s I wore my hair long(I had two bald spots to comb over) until the hair grew in, then I cut it.

You can also look at this time as an opportunity to wear your hair differently (the Mohawk you mentioned) as long as cutting your hair that way isn’t a daily reminder of the bad memories from the AVM. Good luck with whatever your choice is.

Good to hear your hair is starting to grow back!
With the cold weather it might be a good idea to wear a woolly hat anyway :slight_smile:

I’m crossing my fingers!

I have experienced hair loss too. Knock on wood but luckily so far it has not created a bald spot. I run my fingers through my hair (gently) and pull out fistfulls of hair. It’s a little bit scary.

I had the scare of my life last December when the whole left side and back of my head ended up virtually bald after just an embolization on December 2nd. My scalp was itching and burning, I washed it real careful and had my hands full of loose hair on the 18th, and when I washed and blowdried my hair on Christmas Day the rest just came out in big clumps. Horror!
It took me until January 21 before I could speak to the neuro’s assistant about what happened, and she told me that this kind of extreme hair loss was so unusual she had never before witnessed it in real life. Lovely to be the odd one out again, isn’t it :confused: Almost proud to have her take a photo of it for documentation, and for the boss to see (and decide to postpone the next treatment until September).
The hair started to grow back after about 2 months, and as I write this it’s roughly 5 cm long where it had gone. I won’t waste money on a haircut until way after the last embo, just in case it happens again :Þ

Alyssa Walker said:
I have experienced hair loss too. Knock on wood but luckily so far it has not created a bald spot. I run my fingers through my hair (gently) and pull out fistfulls of hair. It's a little bit scary.