
Just curious if anyone has any tips on controlling daily headaches after procedures. I’m coming up on a year after a gamma knife procedure to build scar tissue up on a missed spot from onyx insertion after a brain aneurysm due to ruptured avm (2 years ago). Still getting daily headaches and a weird pinching sensation every once in a while. So hard not to worry about pinching or odd sensations in the head after a traumatic experience such as an aneurysm. Thanks for your time.

Welcome! Hopefully we’ll be able to pass along some of our experience here that is beneficial. I had gamma knife in 2016, and did have some headaches, particularly about 6 months to a year after the procedure. I did not need any steroids, but it is not uncommon to have some swelling quite a while afterwards. I did not need medication, had some odd feelings and my head felt thick. I ensured that I stayed well hydrated. I experienced “ice pick” head aches fairly frequently for. while, sudden sharp pain, lasted a short period of time and then dissipated quickly. These slowly became infrequent and I haven’t had one in several years now. Very scary the first couple of times. All I could think was I was having another bleed.
Always a good idea to talk to the Dr. It could be some swelling that is manageable. Take Care, John.


Hi, did these eventually go away? I had a rupture in May’ 23 and got Onyx embolisation done in Aug’ 23. I randomly have these pinching sensations. Nothing to painful. Lasts 2-3 seconds. Did you find out what caused it for you?


Hi ishan, and welcome! Mine slowly went away and it has been several years since I had one similar. I never did know what caused it, I just chalked it up to healing as the blood vessels slowly shut down due to the radiation. Take Care, John.


Kind of on topic, but I just had another severe headache - three months I had one quite similar

No exact cause, but it was quite troublesome to say the least.

It happened on Monday while I just started my workday(right afternoon or so). I am still recovering - the last few days have sucked to put it lightly. Just eating Tylenol randomly.


I get botox Shots every three months and convinced the pain neuros to go off protocol and to put some of the shots where my pain is that isnt the normal migraine area and I dont let them do my neck area . This has taken the edge off. My DAVF was caused by a CVST stroke and then had another minor stroke during my first embolism, I was also getting occipital shots but after a bad rear end car accident while parked and and getting some shots then thought I was allergic to liodocaine even though I have been tested they dont believe my allergy dr so I cant get any more occipital shots that were numbing the pain completely for 3-4 weeks.

Hugs Angela


Hi Ishan! I had my surgery in July and I also noticed a couple of weeks ago the pinching sensations on that side. They also lasted few seconds, not so painful, but not pleasant and scary. I also have weird feeling from time to time like some liquid flow (( I do nothing about it as long as my overall condition is ok. I usually used to google when something is happening to me but this time I prefer not to search for the answer )))


Hi Jenny, I can relate to this. Kind of in a mix between getting very anxious and trying to not worry about as it’s nothing compared to the headache I had when it ruptured. My next DSA would be in Jan. Just hoping to pull through! I’d keep in touch if I draw some parallel about what triggers it (if at all anything does).

Speedy recovery to you :slight_smile: