Hello! I found this community a while ago but I didn’t make an account until now.
I was just a depressed 19 year-old over the past summer. I was an undergrad spending the summer on the campus I hated all for the sake of doing research (because I want to do research as part of my career and also to have something on my resume). I felt alone and unable to be loved. I realized that I was always the one initiating conversations and stopped talking to almost everyone (and thus they never talked to me again). I called my best friend who hadn’t talked to me in months and she said she wanted to cut ties with me and hung up. Simply put, I had little to hold on to.
Starting at the very beginning of July, I would get a light headache in the evening. Okay, nothing to bat an eye at, I’ll just take a couple advil. The headache would go away. I rarely get headaches, but hey everyone gets them now and then.
However, this persisted for 2 weeks. Maybe I’m experiencing them as a side effect of that nasal spray my allergist prescribed for me? It did say in the information that it is a common side effect. Even the nurse confirmed this when I called. I guess I’ll stop the spray and see if I get better.
It’s been 3 weeks since the headaches start and they haven’t gone away. In fact, I think they’ve been getting worse. They happened every day, and now all of sudden the advil stopped working. My dad tried to get me to an after-hours clinic on Sunday, but the doctor just thought they were regular tension headaches and just prescribed naproxen despite my insistence that NSAIDs weren’t working. He said he had no access to any scans.
That Wednesday my dad tried to arrange an appointment with a PCP. My headaches were the worst they had ever been. The nurse told me to get to an emergency room.
So, after lunch, I went. I remember how cold the room was and how the CT room had this pretty picture of a tree and sky in the ceiling (so you would have something relaxing to stare at, most likely).
“They found a mass. An arteriovein-uh, something.” Needless to say, the doctor attending to me was not good at bedside manner.
After being hospitalized for 3 days and having gone through a slew of tests (CT, MRI, MRA while awake), my life changed.
I have a grade 2 AVM on the surface of my right parietal lobe. I am currently being seen by Northwestern doctors and have already gone through 2 embolizations. I will have another on the 10th, and resection on the 29th. I’m confident I’ll eventually be fine. My thoughts on life have changed a lot in the span of the past 4 months. I’m not currently in school this semester, and have slight concerns on going back, but that’s not something I worry about much for long nowadays (actually my biggest worry is surviving the hospital stays, I don’t find hospitals comfortable in the slightest).
I don’t plan on spending much time on this forum, because that could make anyone anxious. But I thought having some form of support from people going through similar things would be nice in the coming months. Nice to be here!