I have been dizzy for a year in June and nauseated every morning. What would you suggest?
Hi Althia,
If you’re sure you don’t have an ear infection, sinus infection or something else that may be the underlying cause of the nausea then ginger is really good for settling the stomach.
Also, something that has helped me is cola syrup. I bought a bottle of it after my pharmacist recommended it (from their store). It’s a little bottle of cola syrup that is usually used to mix cola (soda). It’s mixed with club soda and makes ‘generic’ cola. But it can be taken in small doses from the bottle, without mixing with water, and really did help.
That’s what comes to mind right off - if I think of anything else I’ll add it.
Buck-up and get prepared, I have experinced dizziness, vertigo, nausea and vomiting from AVM and treatments to get rid of it for 15 years now. Prothromazine is an antipuke pill it may help. But I have tried so many pills I found it more difficult to manage with them than without them! I carry a bandanna in my back pcket eveywhre I go to wipe my mouth after I get sick and I just take my strides slow to combat the dizziness. I do not want to soung mean, but I have learned to confront my problems in a blunt way. Good luck to you. God Bless.
Have you tried something like Ondansetron? It is the first line drug used to treat people undergoing chemotherapy, seems to have the least side effects. It is however, very expensive. My daughter used it for a couple of weeks and it stopped her severe post-surgical nausea and vomiting. Good luck Althia.
Hello, all. I know its been awhile since your post, but I was going through the discussions looking for information on others who have experienced dizziness. Technically, I refer to it more as being light-headed than dizzy, but it does make me "dizzy" too, I suppose. I had my AVM removed via a craniotomy July 15, 2011. Mine was in the left parietal lobe. For months now, I have experienced woozy, dizzy, off-balance, light-headed feelings, and its hard to deal with. I think it mostly started as I healed and got moving around again. I drive, go walking, etc. - all cause this light-headed feeling. Like I said, seems like the more I move around, the worse it gets. Is this something you also experienced, and if so, have any of the suggestions on here helped, or do you have any suggestions of your own?