How long did people wait?

Hi, I am in Japan and just found out about my hitch hiker in my head 1 week ago through a random health check. Yesterday I went and picked up my film and refer ell and have another appointment on the 26th at the University hospital to see the Prof to talk and than we will organise a time for the cerebral angiogram. From discovery to angiogram looks like it will be about a month and a half.
Any other people have to wait so long for tests?

Sorry just venting......

Most likely, this AVM didn't just pop into your head overnight--most likely you have had it since or shortly after birth. Looking at it that way, waiting a month or two isn't that big a deal IF (the big IF) it is stable and not bleeding.

If bleeding, most likely you will know it immediately and action will have to happen right then.

Best wishes,
ron, KS

Dee Dee,

I apologize--I tried to delete the blank post you had made, and I didn't catch that you replied to the blank post, so when I hit delete, they both went away.

My sincerest apologies................

Ron, KS

Hi Graza

You have no nead to apologise. That's what we are here for.... :) I think the waiting time all depends on how busy the drs. and the hospitals are.


Ron, LOL

Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it, as it can be difficult getting information from the doctors with the language and translation differences here. Though I must say they have been very kind.

I am eager for the angiogram so I can start making plans for my return back to Aus.

i had to wait over a month to find out i had had an AVM w/o the neurologist even seeing the MRI for himself. I was told he'd see me again in 6 months. Needless to say I went w/ another dr and had to wait over a month to see him but he did confirm that I did have a large AVM and sent me for tests. I go back in December. So yes, frustrating as it is..we have to wait wait wait!

Yes, it took almost 2months to get my scans done. I am 34 and my brainstem AVM was found 2years ago and the doctors seem to think that I was born with it so that is not that long in the grand sceme of things.

Since my avm ruptured, it took a day to stop the bleed and a week to remove it