How to buy Tshirts- Paypal Tutorial

Hello everyone! I’ve had a few inquiries about exactly “how” to send the payment for the Tshirts by PayPal, so I thought this tutorial may be helpful!

Quick Recap-
-Each shirt will be $20.
-If you would like to have a name added to the list of names on the back of the shirt, it will be an additional ONE TIME $25.
-This means if you buy one shirt it will be $45.00 ($20 for the shirt, plus the one time $25 for the name.) If you buy 2 shirts it will be $65 ($20 for each of the 2 shirts, plus the one time $25 for the name) and so on, 3 shirts $85, etc.

Send your total payment by Paypal to ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ and include a note with the NUMBER of shirts, the SIZES, and the name to be added to the back (if you have decided to do this part.)

I need to place the order with the Tshirt guy NO LATER THAN APRIL 6th!!! So I need to have your order placed before then.

Ok- so onto the tutorial…

Go to and you will see the following welcome screen where you will choose “Send Money” and then “Send Money Online.”

Once you choose "Send Money" you will see a new screen which has a box on the right asking you who to send it to ( your email adrs, the amount, and what it is for "goods." If you are comfortable with purchases online, you should be fine just doing this and continuing. If you aren't that comfortable, above the box you will see a link to "see demo." Clink on it to see what the process will be.

You will be prompted to say if you are a new or existing Paypal user. Most of you will choose new.

There are only 3 steps. The first I just described above

The second step is to enter your Credit Card information

Then you review your payment details and there is an area to add a message- this is where you will give me details about the # of shirts, sizes, and if you chose to add a name to the back.

And that's it!!! Shalon

There is only a couple of days until money has to be in. Ordering right now.

I am having trouble with Pay Pal, but I want a t-shirt! What do I do???

Is it just first and last names on the shirts or where each person is from? I think that would be nice.