HI there--
I am so sorry you are having to deal with other issues besides the AVM-the AVM is enough for any person to deal with at one time!
The AVM itself can even change a person's behavior--sometimes the surgery done on an AVM can alter one's personality. That is something that he/both of you will have to decide as you move forward.
I would definitely suggest you see an expert in health counseling--a licensed counselor that deals with brain diseases--as it relates to changes in behavior, decision-making and so on. I have had mood swings since I was young, and at the time, we did not know what the underlying issues were. My mother called them my "black" moods--I have had migraines since I was 3 years old, along with all of the debilitating symptoms--my AVM is located in my left cerebellum--it was not diagnosed until 8 years ago, and I am 49 now--A LOT OF CHRONIC PAIN!!
I pray for your strength to make the best decision for your son and what he is dealing with now and in the future--I feel the marijuana is a huge detriment, and so is excessive alcohol--I would say that to anyone who asked. I do drink wine at times, but I do not go beyond what I know I can handle. My situation is bad but it could be much, much worse!
A little history: My Mom was prescribed barbiturates to lose weight while she was pregnant with me. Both of us almost did not make it. I have had migraines since I was 3, diagnosed with the cerebral AVM when I was 41, chronic migraines 6 days/week, sleep apnea, and other issues related to the AVM.
I mention the above because I highly recommend that you educate yourselves as much as you possibly can--there is so much information out there, and of course, that was not always the case! May times even experts back in the day had great ignorance!
I really hope this helps--just take it day by day and make the best decision that you can based on all of the information you can find. There is so much help on here, and it is very comforting to talk with others that deal with the same things as we all do. Please stay strong and take care--
Also, I have decided not to have any type of surgery, and I just live as best as I can. I do not let this disease dominate my life or define me. I count every good day as a blessing and to use it to the fullest that I can. Look forward to seeing you on here again--