
So I thought everything was ok with my medical bills cause I have insurance…but then the bills started coming…The ER doctors and one of the nuerosurgreons do not participate in my insurance plan. As a result my insurance paid three hundred dollars from a seven thousand dollar bill and +$3 thousand from a $26 thousand bill, leaving me owing $30 thousand. Has anyone had a similar situation. Is there anything I can do to make my insurance cover these bills cuz \here isno way I can pay it

Mary Kate: I have a notebook filled with pages of blillsa dn how much I give every month. I am in collection agencies et… my best bet is to try to work with them; or like me give a bit at a time… that’s all we can do… Mare

I agree with Mare. Pay what you can. Set up little amounts with them to pay every month – only as much as you can afford. Don’t promise them any more than that because it’ll only add more stress to your life.

Mary Kate,
Have you talked with the insurance company and the doctors offices? I know it seems there is one “charge” for people with insurance (which usually is larger) and then a “charge” for people without insurance. Wonder if the doctor would consider waving a portion of the bill? I would imagine explaining your situation about having brain surgery and assuming your insurance would cover this procedure. It seems there was a lack of communication with the doctor/hospital, etc from the beginning. Usually they (meaning the docs offices/hospital) will look into all of this before such a procedure. I hope everything works out, you do not need this stress on top of everything else.

Hi, My Husband and I have over $40,000 in bills that our insurance has not paid. Our one saving grace was we asked our insurance compamy for a case worker. Our casework has been amazing. She has helped us reduce our bills and to help us navigate the insurance company inner circle.

Mary Kate: Found out from a friend and again, not sure, but if you agree to a medicaid price, which drastically reduces price, some hospital will agree. again, never did it and not sure but as I told you pay a bit when you can…its crazy as I said we have to worry about this but keep focused at remaining healthy… bills will always be there… I think ofit as a numbers game… I agree with Kelly… I give $20 a month as I have so so many… doesn’t seem like a lot but when you cnanot work because of the AVM and you have many…they add up! Mare