OK, so today is the one year anniversary of my “new” life that came out of the blue, the day I woke up and didn’t know what was happening? , a day I was reborn so to speak so what have a learned in the last 12 months……….
I’ve learned
What my family really mean to me :-)
What true friendship really is :-)
Not to worry about things in life, they will always get sorted in the end :-)
Life isn’t about, what you have or don’t have! It’s about appreciating everything you do have in your life. :-)
Never to judge others :-)
Live life, Love always, and Laugh as much as you can!! you never know when your life will change :-)
Always take the time to listen to others around you, they may look fine on the outside but inside they may be in pain. Never judge a book by what the cover looks like :-)
Try every day to make a difference to someone’s life , even if you pass a stranger in the street, always give a smile , you may just make there day :-)
Never to be afraid to show or tell how much you appreciate, love or care for someone!! You never know if it’s the last chance you will ever get to say or show those feelings. :-)
Always stay strong, whenever a door closes another one will always open. Just keep trying and never give up! there is always hope. :-)
Nothing is ever impossible, if you want it bad enough!! :-)
And what is the most important thing………..
If you are still here no matter what challenges you have faced in you’re life along the way ……….you are a SURVIVOR!!! :-)