It's time to vote for the Neuro Film Festival!

Hi everyone! Please check out Jaclyn's story and vote for her as she is in competition to win 1 of 3 prizes!

1st and 2nd place are judged by AAN (American Academy of Neurology) on creativity and technical presenation.

Grand prize-$1000 and a trip to attend the AAN Annual Meeting in Honolulu Hawaii.

Runner up- $500 and a trip to attend the AAN Annual Meeting in Honolulu Hawaii.

3rd place- Fan favorite prize-Winner will receive recognition at the AAN Annual Meeting in Honolulu.

**Please check us out on the link below as I have included this site and some members in the video!**

Click on this link to vote for me!


Kim & Jaclyn McDermott

You’ve got my vote. (((thumbs up)))

Thanks Ben!

Let us know when to vote. Then I will cross-post this on my FB page and make all my FB friends vote too!

Good luck Jaclyn, my very best wishes!

Thanks Barbara and Lesley!

What an amazing young lady! I’ll vote for you anytime, Jaclyn! Just let us know how we can vote for you!

What a wonderful job and kudos to Jaclyn and her family! Best of luck!


Marie & AVM survivor Steve

Great video, Jaclyn & Kim!!!

You are an AMAZING young woman.

Best wishes,


Thanks again to Louisa, Marie, & Patti! The fan voting begins next Tuesday and it will be through facebook.

I will post another blog at that time with the link to vote. Hey Patti---I believe you entered too right? Best of luck to you!

Very cool video. Go Jaclyn!

Hi Ivanna! So glad you saw the video!! I would have to assume you saw you and Doug in there right?! Jaclyn really enjoyed meeting and talking with you guys! Hang in there with your treatments…keep punching away! I enjoy reading your updates…there is always a positive spin on things!

Hey Kim,

Yes, I entered in the contest too - thanks.

May we both win!! ;)

I'm just happy to find a way of spreading AWARENESS! :)


Hi Patti! The video is excellent! Hope you are doing well and continue to do so. The voting starts Tuesday so I will definately cast a vote for you too!

Just a note to let you know, I voted for you. Good luck!!! :slight_smile:

I voted for you Jaclyn…I hope you win!

Thanks Ben and Louisa! We really appreciate it!

Hi Kim,

I tried voting for both of us :) as well as for 'Kristin's' AVM video (I loved her vid as well - made me cry!), but the website will only allow 1 vote. :(