Hi everyone! Please check out Jaclyn's story and vote for her as she is in competition to win 1 of 3 prizes!
1st and 2nd place are judged by AAN (American Academy of Neurology) on creativity and technical presenation.
Grand prize-$1000 and a trip to attend the AAN Annual Meeting in Honolulu Hawaii.
Runner up- $500 and a trip to attend the AAN Annual Meeting in Honolulu Hawaii.
3rd place- Fan favorite prize-Winner will receive recognition at the AAN Annual Meeting in Honolulu.
**Please check us out on the link below as I have included this site and some members in the video!**
Click on this link to vote for me!
Kim & Jaclyn McDermott
February 15, 2011, 12:38am
You’ve got my vote. (((thumbs up)))
Let us know when to vote. Then I will cross-post this on my FB page and make all my FB friends vote too!
Good luck Jaclyn, my very best wishes!
Thanks Barbara and Lesley!
February 15, 2011, 9:36pm
What an amazing young lady! I’ll vote for you anytime, Jaclyn! Just let us know how we can vote for you!
February 16, 2011, 12:09am
What a wonderful job and kudos to Jaclyn and her family! Best of luck!
Marie & AVM survivor Steve
February 16, 2011, 8:30pm
Great video, Jaclyn & Kim!!!
You are an AMAZING young woman.
Best wishes,
Thanks again to Louisa, Marie, & Patti! The fan voting begins next Tuesday and it will be through facebook.
I will post another blog at that time with the link to vote. Hey Patti---I believe you entered too right? Best of luck to you!
February 17, 2011, 12:55pm
Very cool video. Go Jaclyn!
Hi Ivanna! So glad you saw the video!! I would have to assume you saw you and Doug in there right?! Jaclyn really enjoyed meeting and talking with you guys! Hang in there with your treatments…keep punching away! I enjoy reading your updates…there is always a positive spin on things!
February 17, 2011, 3:24pm
Hey Kim,
Yes, I entered in the contest too - thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvtkxDFICO0
May we both win!! ;)
I'm just happy to find a way of spreading AWARENESS! :)
Hi Patti! The video is excellent! Hope you are doing well and continue to do so. The voting starts Tuesday so I will definately cast a vote for you too!
February 23, 2011, 3:47am
Just a note to let you know, I voted for you. Good luck!!!
February 23, 2011, 4:49pm
I voted for you Jaclyn…I hope you win!
Thanks Ben and Louisa! We really appreciate it!
February 23, 2011, 5:35pm
Hi Kim,
I tried voting for both of us :) as well as for 'Kristin's' AVM video (I loved her vid as well - made me cry!), but the website will only allow 1 vote. :(