An intro: I am a few weeks short of my 40th birthday, a dad of several and husband of one, and have just been diagnosed with an AVM.
A month ago I had an MRI for migraines, which I’ve had for 15 years. They found a lump that at first they thought was a benign tumor. A week later, I went back for a confirmatory MRI with contrast dye, as well as a contrast CT. This time, they realized it was an AVM. I was so pleased not to have a tumor that I deliberately didn’t research AVMs, so I had a few weeks of happy ignorance. I saw the neurosurgeon a few days ago, who confirmed the diagnosis, and here I am.
I don’t know whether the AVM is causing the migraines, since they run in my family. So I don’t know if it counts as an incidental finding.
The AVM is about 2.5x2.9cm, and is near my left temporal lobe. Since this is the speech and language center of the brain, I will have a functional MRI next week to see how close the AVM is to this area, which will help inform the risks of surgery. The surgeon initially discussed gamma knife, and said this would give rise to about a 20% risk of permanent neurological defects in my language processing abilities. I don’t know how he arrived at this figure. The statistics from the studies are better, more around 5%. I’m still trying to work out the discrepancy; I’m well aware that I may just be grasping at straws.
I’m still taking it all in.
My next step is an angiogram, and then a second, third and fourth opinions from the best doctors in the world, and then I’ll see an estate lawyer to make sure my will and power of attorney are looking good. I have good health insurance for which I’m very grateful. I’m even more grateful that this MRI found it before it ruptured. (Statistically, if it’s been there from birth, it’s had only about a 45% chance of not rupturing up to this point, given a 2% annual chance of rupture.)
Biggest fear is not being able to work since I work in an area that requires me to use words all the time. I would honestly rather lose both legs than lose my verbal abilities.
I’m an expat: I’m from the UK but moved to the US about 7 years ago. I have had a visit planned for months and I’m told I’m ok to fly, but not looking forward to telling family.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time over the years studying philosophy and I’m a practicing Catholic, so I feel ready to face this despite everything.
I have a question about angiograms that I’ll ask in another category. Thank you!