Kray gets his gold star award for bravery!

just to let all our AVM family know that kray got his gold star award yesterday for bravery. its on the web site… you type in kray mundy and can see the pictures!! we are so very proud of kray,his determination is an inspiration to everyone who has, and is still living with AVMS.he is a true miracle,and walking proof that not all medical teams are right,miracles do happen and our faith and beliefs are true to everyone must always believe they can and will recover.the road is long but its beautiful to have the road to go down.merry christmas to you all.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kray…you are the man…keep it up little man…i am so proud of you…once again…Keep making me proud…all my love xxxx

Master Kray, you are an exemplary young boy and I am well pleased that you are willing to share yourself with this world. You make it an even better and greater place to be.

Well done Kray, proud of you :slight_smile:

Awesome! I checked out the site. What an honor and a really cool thing for Kray. Something to definately be proud of!


Keep up the good work, and continued opportunties to you to show people what faith, courage, determination look like

kray…congrats!!! many many well wishes to you…god knows you have the strength and courage and you can do it!!! im so proud of you!!! you are so great!!!