Lamotrigine (Lamictal) dosage

My husband is on the seizure med Lamotrigine which is the generic for Lamictal.

Over the last 4 months has increased by 25 mg every two weeks up to 150 mg/ twice a day. For the last month he has been at the target dosage of six 25 mg pills twice a day.

Our question: instead of taking the 6 – 25 mg do you think it’s just as safe to take 1 – 150 mg??? I know it may sound like a silly question as 150 mg = 150 mg but wondered if anyone had changed to just one pill after getting to their target dose on any seizure med? We’re just so scared of messing with this med as things are going good, knock on wood!

Thanks for your input!

Marie & Steve

Our son is on Lamictal. I forget which size pill. Once he’s stable on the drug, a simple call to your DR should get the RX changed to the different pill.

I don’t think it matters, but I’m only guessing. I think part of the smaller pill logic is to help with getting the dosage right.

Take Care,

I take Lamical 250mg twice a day. The tablets come in all sizes so don’t know why he is taking 6x25mg instead of 1x100mg and 1x50mg, don’t think there is a 150mg tablet? Just ask your doctor to change it. The small dosage tablets are to increase the dosage slowly till your level is correct,

Great that things are going well! When you ask your doctor if it’s OK to switch to the 150s now that the dose seems correct, you may also want to verify with your insurance company that your drug copay won’t change–some meds only have generic versions in certain dosages, so it may be worth checking whether can get generic 150s at the same price you’re paying for the six 25s now. (I bet it’s not a problem, but we’ve been surprised from time to time!)

The Epilepsy Foundation has also noted that generics made by different manufacturers can have different amounts of the active ingredient–the FDA allows some wiggle room. So if you want to be extra careful, you can find out whether you can get 150s from the same company that makes your 25s, since they’re working for you.


Thanks for everyones comments! And Jorie you make a great point! I did call the pharmacy this morning and verified that the manufacturer that Steve had for the generic, Mylan, did indeed make a 150 tab, and also verified that they carried that manufacturer and dose. I have read that it is important to continue with the same manufacturer on generic seizure meds.

I been taking lamictal 300 mg a day…My opinion is the same like ron I soones hes stable to the drug, should be no problem to spoke to Dr to lower dosage or increased …Always better not risk anything…I feel okay, excepted for the copay wich is 235.00 dlls is kind expensive …with insurance…Thanks and good luck…god bless…

I take a 100mg tablet 3 times a day so they do make a bigger tablet. When I was beening weened on to them I wish I had the 25mg option. Ever try cutting a 100mg into quarters and getting them roughly the same…impossible.

I cannot imagine trying to cut one in quarters, you must have been good!!! I did get with Steve’s doc yesterday and he’s sending a new script for the 150 mg, so that will be great!!! Has this drug worked well for you? Any breakthrough seizures? I hope you are doing well on this also!
Have a blessed day!

John Scragg said:

I take a 100mg tablet 3 times a day so they do make a bigger tablet. When I was beening weened on to them I wish I had the 25mg option. Ever try cutting a 100mg into quarters and getting them roughly the same…impossible.

yes! He should not notice any difference by taking fewer more potent pills. My daughter went thru the same scenario. I don’t know if they make a 150mg pill, but certainly a 100mg & a 50mg.

oh. sorry. i see you have your answer but I don’t know how to delete my comment. oops

Sandie Alger(Kasey’s mom) said:

yes! He should not notice any difference by taking fewer more potent pills. My daughter went thru the same scenario. I don’t know if they make a 150mg pill, but certainly a 100mg & a 50mg.

Thanks Sandie, he is on the 150 mg now twice a day it is very helpful taking fewer pills especially since those 25mg were so small and easy to drop. He’s doing OK on the 150 dose, thanks for responding. How is Kasey doing with her meds? Does the doc ever say she may be able to go off of the seizure meds?

Sandie Alger(Kasey’s mom) said:

yes! He should not notice any difference by taking fewer more potent pills. My daughter went thru the same scenario. I don’t know if they make a 150mg pill, but certainly a 100mg & a 50mg.

I’m in lamictal 300 mg a day…According to this the only comes in 100 mg or maybe the pharmacy they didn’t have they right dosage…My doctor order for me to get 100mg 3 times a day, I think will be easy to due like that because I was supposed to be taking 300 mg a day and end up with 100 mg 3 times day…Well he said that I can take it 3 times a day or at night…I take it at night because some times I forget… A soonest he gets the right dosage…Well if you feel more safe you should call hes doctor and explained to him if he feels that at the way you guys want to do it, it is the right way…Good luck and take care… God bless…

Hello Marie-WOW…6 25 mg pills a day seems alot to keep track of. Let me start out by saying that all the docs say that there is no difference between the generic and brand meds but my daughter definately sees a difference and can no longer take the generic. She started out with a lower dose but currently is keeping the seizures ‘at bay’ with 500mg (250 twice a day) which works out well as she takes them before school and before bed. I would think that a higher dose pill fewer times a day should be fine but of course, double check with your doc and just maybe it’s the pharmacy that does not carry what you want but should be able to order it in for you. Good luck.

Hi Marie,
If the AVM actually gets “cured”(boy don’t we all want to hear THAT word!) then she will no longer require the anti-seizure meds and we will be able to slowly wean her off them. I can’t wait for that day! Right now I’m totally anxious for this Friday when she gets her 3-yr post gamma knife MRI and we get to find out if it’s gone. I’m cautiously optimistic…

Marie Hudson said:

Thanks Sandie, he is on the 150 mg now twice a day it is very helpful taking fewer pills especially since those 25mg were so small and easy to drop. He’s doing OK on the 150 dose, thanks for responding. How is Kasey doing with her meds? Does the doc ever say she may be able to go off of the seizure meds?

Sandie Alger(Kasey’s mom) said:
yes! He should not notice any difference by taking fewer more potent pills. My daughter went thru the same scenario. I don’t know if they make a 150mg pill, but certainly a 100mg & a 50mg.

I would for sure ask if you could give a higher dose to cut out the need to take 6 pills instead of 6.