The surgeon who performed my husbands surgery 10 years ago said that even though the titanium clips he used were 100% safe for MRIs, that they still wouldn't allow him to get an MRI. The hospital apparently would not do it. Well new doc is scheduling him an MRI next week. Anyone else get MRIs with clips in?
I don't know about clips, but I know I have at least 1 titanium plate (have had 4 surgeries).
Maybe contact the radiology dept. to ask ahead of appt.???
I have three titanium bolts and a clip in my skull and have had at least 4-5 MRIs since my surgery. No problems to report.
My daughter has a titanium clip, and has had MRIs. It just causes the MRI to be a little blurry (artifact) in that area, but is not a health risk to her.
Thank you! Makes me feel better! Wonder why the hospitals are reluctant do them? Weird!
Yup, me too. I've got plates and screws and have had numberous MRIs since my crani. All fine. Perhaps the doctor didn't specify to the hospital that they were titanium when he recommended the MRI?
I have titinium clips in my head. HAve had MRI's and I didn't explode!
I can understand your concern.
Try not to worry.
It never hurts to call and ask questions. I have 2 clips and have had CAT scans and MRIs done. Are you going to The Semmes-Murphy Clinic?
He was at Semmes-Murphy, but some how we ended up at Wesley Neurological? Not sure how that happened. His doctor at Semmes moved moved shortly after his surgery and I think he referred us there. Not sure.
Well keep us posted!
I had two aneurysms clipped in July. I had an MRI in September. The guy doing the MRI wouldn't do it until my surgeon's office sent a fax stating that my clips are MRI compatable. I had another MRI in December on Gamma Knife Day. Will have another MRI in June when I go back for Gamma Knife.
Hello .
I have titanium aneurysm clips in my brain as well as in my skull to hold it together .
I had CT scans but no MRI scans of my brain in the eleven years since my surgeries .
I did have one MRI scan of my neck about two years ago .
My neurosurgeon ordered it ..he said it would be the right choice for diagnosis needed .
I had his office and the radiologist team as well as the technician researching verifying and triple checking .
I was put into what they explained to me was a lower power MRI that was designed for titanium aneurysm clips .
As always checking with your medical team and medical facility is always best yes ?
I wish him smooth sailings and the best possible result(s) .
Be good to you . Take care of you .