I am writing this discussion post, not so much for myself, but for anyone else down the line that may be looking for a story similar to their own (as I didnt find much.)
In May of 2012 around the time I was under extreme (somewhat self-induced) stress I had a quick, but severe, experience with vertigo. The whole thing lasted about 5 seconds with other 5 minutes of naseau. It was enough to scare me. Between this and a little weakness in my middle left finger and a numb spot on my stomach from childbirth, I thought it would be a good idea to see a doctor. The general doctor diagnosed me with vertigo (prob from stress or a virus of some sort), but suggested I see a neurologist anyway.
I waited 3 months to see a neurologist. He put me through a whole bunch of tests in the office and gave me a Rx for a brain/cervical and thoracic MRI just in case.
About 2 weeks after I did the MRIs I called the doctor to see what the results were, naively not knowing anything about how long it takes to get the results. Apparently the doctor had the wrong phone number and had been trying to reach me. He got on the phone and asked me "Have you ever had a stroke? Been in a lacrosse accident? Any type of car accident? You have a whole in your head." Worst day of my life ever.
Because I had some kind of damage that was not explainable (that being the key) I was given two more MRIs/MRAs w/ contrast. Thank Gd they were able to rule out MS, tumors,an anuerysm, etc, but two different opinions said that an AVM cannot be ruled out. A what? I heard never heard of an AVM and didnt know what to think. The neurologist said "Dont worry they just do an angiogram, shoot some glue up there and you're done." This is how my journey started.
I live in NYC and consulted with three top cerebrovascular doctors to discuss if they thought I might have an AVM, the risks of an angiogram and if I should have an angiogram. One doctor absolutely told me I did not have an AVM and didnt need an angiogram, but if i wanted one for peace of mind to do it. The other two told me they would be surprised if i did have one, but to have an angiogram just to make sure.
In December 2012, i had an angiogram at Columbia Presbryterian w/ Dr. Philip Myers and found that I had a 7mm AVM in the right frontal lobe, non-eloquent brain tissue, superficially located. I cried my heart out on the table. By then I had done enough research to know "you just dont shoot some glue up there and you're done" as the neurologist had initially described. I was completely shocked I had the AVM as I didnt get that impression from the doctors during all my consultations.
After the angiogram I started my consultation process. I had met one other man with similar circumstances from this website who had a craniotomy years before who gave me many ideas of how to proceed, who to consult with and other emotional/practical advice. My neurologist was out of the picture at this point as he would only refer me to doctors within his own hospital. I felt extremely lonely. My family was of course a great support, but I felt like no one understood how hard it was to make a decision to have BRAIN SURGERY!! when I had never even had any symptons. It was the most bizarre thing in the world. At this point I didnt tell anyone what was going on outside of my immediate family. It is hard to act normal when the world as you know it has changed. I have three children under the age of 4 and this enormous decision weighed on me like a 10 ton brick.
Yes, I could of done nothing, but I kept coming back to this truth: If something happened to me in the future and I had a chance to take care of it at one point and didnt, that would be the most irresponsible thing in the whole world.
I met two doctors I really liked who had vastly different philosophies and I was torn of who to go with and which procedure to do. Both those doctors thought I should have the craniotomy, but i also strongly considered Gamma Knife. Embolization was not an option for my situation. With Gamma Knife, even though i had an 80% change of being cured after one treatment, the thought of radiation damage at my age (mid 30's) was too scary of a prospect long term. Also, you have to wait another 2-3 years to see if it worked and you may end up having a craniotomy in the end anyway. I had read on this site so many people who had Gamma Knife and the side effects/damage didnt seem better to me than just having a craniotomy to start with.
Choosing who to have the craniotomy with was for me as difficult as deciding to have the craniotomy. My rabbi told me, "You must go with the person you have absolutely NO doubts about" and at that point my heart told me which surgeon to go with. I chose Dr. Robert Solomon from Columbia Presbryterian and made two other appointments with him to go over lingering/additional questions. He was at all times honest, humble yet confident. He's not just an excellent surgeon, but I believe he is actually a great man who is living his passion. It took me another 6 weeks to have the courage to schedule the procedure (another 6 weeks out.) I could not pick up that phone to make that appointment, but one day I just chose to not overthink it picked up the phone and scheduled it w/o letting myself get emotional. I didnt look back.
At no point during this time did I lose site of how grateful I am. I was extremely blessed to find the AVM the way I did and to have the blessing of choosing the time/doctor/hospital that I wanted. I dont write this to envoke any bad feeling from any other readers with different circumstances. The fact is that someone else will read this who is going through and feeling the same things. It is beyond indescrible how hard it is to decide to have elective brain surgery.
I used the time before my surgery to slowly tell a few of my close friends about what I was going through. This for me was very hard. I didnt have a hard time talking about the surgery, but seeing the look on their faces when i said "brain surgery" was very unpleasant. I told the majority of people after the surgery so that I wouldnt have to feel this over and over. Doctors dont like when you read too much on the internet and I understand why, but knowledge can also be power. By reading this site and many others i had a better idea of what to expect, but also I saw that people were able to write posts 1 week post surgery, which made me believe that I too would be well enough to do so.
Often when you tell people brain surgery, they think you are going to be a vegetable. Some of the comments i have heard from people since the surgery are very disheartening, but i guess i cant blame them for thinking these things. I just dont ever want to be the subject of other's bad thoughts.
I also used the time before surgery to strengthen my faith. I had a very strong faith before, but I did everything I could to make it stronger. I never ever played the victim and tried to always keep a positive outlook. The one or two times I really broke down, my family members would not allow me to feel sorry for myself. I think this helped tremendously as really there was no option but to make a full recovery. Period. That is what I had to beleive and that is the mindset I took with me to surgery. I cannot underscore how much a positive mindset will take you through this time. I gave charity, I prayed ALOT, i took things upon myself to do after the surgery should everything go well, I got others to pray for me on the day on the surgery, etc. There is only so much you can control in this situation, at a certain point you have to totally let go. I was told many times, "how come you are taking it so easily?" It wasn't true. I just kept myself very busy and also I felt like the situation was just too big for me. I couldnt even give the situation the respect it deserved in a way. The only thing I really did have before the surgery the week before was extreme anxiety and apprehension. I was constantly naseaous.
Someone gave me the advice to visit the Neuro-ICU before your surgery to de-mystify it and i have to say, it was excellent advice. I walked into the Neuro-ICU (almost passed out before I got in there) and was quickly taken on a tour. I was told what to expect, what it would be like on day 1 and day 2 and this took so much fear out of me. There was no one running around in a panic, people were smiling and telling me i would be fine. It gave me a lot of comfort.
The morning of surgery was totally bizarre. I can imagine if you've had many symptons, you just want to get it over with and feel better , but for me I was this "normal" person and then I was going to lie down and have brain surgery. What?!
I said goodbye to my family and walked into the surgical room that was totally full of people. The surgeon had visited with me earlier (when I did my last ditch effort to get out of the surgery), but was not yet in the operating room. The anesthesiologist made me laugh and let me have a personal prayer item taped to me. I recited a few prayers to myself and that's it. That's all I remember.
Apparenly, i have had a bleed in the past which closed off part of the AVM and it was larger than they expected. The surgery (incl the angiogram) took about 7 hours and they got that sucker out. I remember every second of waking up in the angiogram room and everything after. I saw my husband in the hallway and gave him a big smile and a thumbs up. I was estactic beyond words (and of course still had medicine in me) that i could talk, think, move, see, etc. It was by far the best moment of my life. I was so happy and grateful. No pain and no bruising could take that away.
Your head is wrapped in a tight pressure bandage. As the anesthesia starts to leave your system, you defitely feel pain at the incision site, but it is manageable w/ pain killers. That big huge headache i was terrified of never really materialized.
The first night in the ICU was a little rough. I was beyond nauseated and threw up multiple times (from anti-nauseau medicine the most, go figure.) I also did have a headache of course. I could only eat ice chips and saltines. Thank Gd that passed and by 9 am the next morning I was already up and walking (a little by force I'll admit). To me it was a miracle. You cant believe that you can go through somehting like brain surgery and get up the next day and walk. As you probably know, the brain has no pain receptors so you dont have to be in a lot of pain after surgery. I hope that gives you comfort. I must of had 40 neurological exams over the three days (two nights) i was in the hospital. I also had the help of a physical therapist who walked me in the hallways and up and down stairs as I have stairs at home. They took the bandage off early morning on the third day, when of course i used my Iphone right away to take a picture of my new reality. The doctor shaved really very little hair and the staples were hard for me to see, but weren't so bad. Dr. Solomon really made a consitious effort to shave my head in a way that it would be covered by my other hair.
Once I got home, I found that i was extremely sensitive to noise. Of which there is ALOT in my house. I was in bed 18-20 hours a day the first 2/3 days. Seeing anyone at all outside of my family was extremely taxing on me. I found that within a day or two after I stopped the steriods (which keep you up and do not let you sleep well) I needed to sleep less during the day. However, what I find is that I usually have a good hour or two in the mroning and another good hour or two around dinner. The time in between I need to rest. I have taken short 10 minute walks every day, but usually those drain me as well and i get very nauseous. I am about 10 days out of surgery and I am tryign to do too much too soon maybe. Do yourself a favor. Really don't lift anything. You'll get really sick if you do. If your family allows you to take it slowly and spend time alone, do it. Dont bother yourself with visitors. They'll all tell you how good you look, when it will take you the whole day after they leave to recover from their visit. To them they dont see the scar and you are sitting up dressed and having a conversation, so they think you are fine. It's not reality. Have patience with yourself (I'm telling this to myself right now!!). If people are willing to cook for you, LET THEM!! If people will take your kids away from the house to play, LET THEM. You need all the help you can get.
I hope i will get a litle more energy every day. Right now i cannot contemplate having to take the train/subway to work in 6 weeks. There just seems no conceivable way, but I hopefully will get there. I thank G-d everyday for showing me incredible compassion and keeping me humble. Truly if this experience doesnt make you a better person, a better spouse, a better parent, nothing ever will. Nothing materialistiic will ever feel as good as being cured from an AVM you never knew you had!
Good luck.