My AVM is obliterated!

Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for all of the advice and answers to my questions that so many of you had given me. I decided to have the surgery ( craniotomy) although I was asymptomatic . I am AVM free now! Surgery was successful…recovery in first 4 days was hard but I am totally on the mend…I am 17 days post surgery …off pain meds, no deficits that I can see so far…and hair growing back…I just wanted to post the good results as I know first hand how hard it is to look at the not so positive results.
Thanks so much for the advice and support!

Terrific, Tina! What wonderful news!

Thanks so much!

Yay for you, Tina, and thanks so much for sharing your great news!

Thanks Susan…hoping now that I don’t have any seizures or anything like that…but so far so good…one day at a time!

Woohoo! one less avm in the world!

Hi Tina

I Am So Pleased For You. I Am Due For Surgery (Craniotomy) To Remove My AVM I Am So Scared.
Wishing You All The Best. I Will Be Thinking Of You. x

Thanks Crystal…if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask…
Keep positive attitude…best of luck to you…

Congratulations, Tina! Fantastic!

Thanks Louisa!

Great news Tina! Glad you are going well. Crystal, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Email me if you want- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ best of luck!


Great news. Congrats and remember to stay positive... oh, and smile :)

Hi Tina
congratulations on your success. where was your AVM? I am contemplating surgery now after already having gamma knife last May. I would love to know how your process was.
Thank you for sharing. Alexandra

Congratulations Tina. Hope everything works out well on your recovery.

Hi there -

I had an AVM removed from my brain in 2007. I considered the gamma knife but then found out that they wouldn't know for 3 years if they got it or not and I would have to undergo MRIs or angiograms for 3 years. And in the end the results and potential damage is just as bad. Please research it very carefully and find the right, experienced and compassionate neurosurgeon you can. Reiko

Congratulations! Best wishes on your continued healing!

Thanks Heidi!

Great news, Tina!