My brother was recently diagnosed with AVM

My name is Laura and i am from Roumania. My brother 30 years old was diagnosed last week with AVM into the occipito-parietal lobe , the size is big i don’t know exactely, but the nidus is 4 cm. He had a seizure at work - that’s how we knew something was wrong. The doctors here first said they would embolized her but then in a few days we were advised to go to France in a hospital there - Kremlin Bicetre Paris ( this is the name ). At first this seemd strange to me but more i think about it i believe that is for the best because our doctors don’t have enough experience, not at this anyway. If you can recommend me a hospital, or if you have been treated there and have an advice please tell me. Thank you very much.

Welcome Laura,

You and your family are wise to move your brother to a hospital that has dealt with AVMs. Although there seems to be a “lot” of AVMs, since all of us here are connected by AVMs, they are relatively uncommon. We spoke with many doctors (other than AVM treating ones) and they seemed fascinated to speak with us about the AVM as we were the first AVM patient they had seen.

Best wishes to your brother.

Ron, Kansas