My son is doing well

Well my son is home from the hospital today after a 4 1/2 day stay. After tests it was determined that he didn't have a stroke, thank God. They think he may have had a strong subclinical seizure in his sleep that may have caused the weakness in his left arm and hand. They hooked him up to the EEG after he got there and he had two more subclinical seizures, so they increased his meds - he's on Trileptal. After the increase he had no more subclinical seizures so they let him go home today. He's getting the mobility back in his hand and he's doing great. The doctor even wrote him out a script for a drivers rehab course and he should be able to drive again when that's completed. I'm so happy for him!

What great news, qtdivergirl, I'm so glad. :)

I have a smile a mile wide, qtdivergirl. Fantastic news!