Hey there! I’m Christolyn, Christy for short. I’m a new member to this group but known about “Avy” for about 10 years now. I haven’t been back to the doctor in a good 8 years. I have an AVM located on the left side of my tailbone, the left upper part of my cheeks. It branches off the arteries to my legs but not connected to my spine. When I went to the doctor back in 2013, they gave me a total of 3 options with outcomes.
- They could remove my AVM completely; leaving me paralized in both of my legs.
- They could go in and kill it and fill me with the dye that eats away dead vessels, but it would have eaten a hole in my back and I would have to have multiple skin graphs done periodically.
- We could do the emboilzations, which would try to stop the blood flow in and out of Avy.
So I went with option 3 a total of 3 times. All were unsuccessful and she rerouted herself each and every time. At that moment I was pretty much told there was nothing else they could do for her or me. I found out that I had Avy during my first and ONLY pregnancy. They told me that they are suprised that my delievery with my daughter was successful and suprised she didn’t erupt. I was then told that I physically can not handle having anymore children. So I pretty much was very distraught and I havnt been back to the doctor since. I live in Alabama and the doctor I visited was over a 2 and 1/2 hour drive. I need to go back for a check up but I’m just living with her. Knowing that if i were to knick that area I could bleed out before I could think twice about anything, but since I’ve been living with her for 10 years I’m just kinda living on a hope and a prayer. So far my daughter has not shown any signs of having an AVM and thats where I’m at with it all… so yeah! Nice to meet you all and I’m glad we’re not alone in this.