Post Embolization update

Well my son’s Embo number 3 is done. Major swelling and the most pain that he has ever had. He is taking vicodin and it is barely making him tolerable. They embolized two larger AVM’s in his left humorous both in the bone.They was able to close the larger one 100% however the smaller one only 70% This area is where he had the pain prior to embo, that started us on our journey. I hope that he does not have pain and suffering for an extended period of time. They want to wait until spring to finish up because of the large amount of AVM’s that they have done in 5 months(6). All of the major shunting is embolized, just 2 very small bleeds in hand and finish the 30% in shoulder. It is so nice to log in and see others that are dealing with the same issues our family is. Thank you all for your sharing and prayers.

Best wishes to you and your son. Thks for posting.
Ron, KS

I am sorry to hear about the pain, and I hope it will subside soon. Wishing your son a full recovery!

I pray he has a speedy recovery from this. He could probably use the break from surgeries too. Maybe they could change is pain med and put him on something that will work better for him. It won't hurt to ask. He might have better luck with morphine or demerol(?) They can also add to the vicodin (temporarily), as long as it's not in the same family.

Wow that is alot I only had one and was in lots of pain
Please ask for something else for his pain I agree with Ben to ask for something else and I had to get nerve block which lasted for three weeks then they did botox shots which I am still doing after 19 months post embolism
I use ice gel packs and lots of rest
I will keep you and your son in my prayers